Acquiring eResources through the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, including, participating in trials and selection of databases, communicating the trials to the university community, and monitoring their usage to help in decision making
Ensuring that the subscribed and freely accessible resources as provided by local and international partners are fully functioning and accessible to the university community. This includes checking links and log in credentials, of the various databases. Still, sourcing Open Access resources and databases per taught discipline and making them available to the users
Creating awareness of the available resources to the university community and making sure that the guides are designed to aid resource access, navigation, and use. Develop library “how-tos “ or guides
Conduct user education and information literacy training inform of orientation and post-orientation. Training includes navigating databases, referencing software, and plagiarism software. Training are conducted during library service expos, library clinics, orientations, library and Open Access week
Marketing the eResources to the community during conferences, faculty board meetings, and annual conferences among others
Gathering usage statistics for the databases accessed and used throughout the year. These are generated, evaluated, and discussed with the department members
Additional duties include sourcing and aligning resources for medical students while responding to their information needs for research and education, daily library operations like circulation, cataloging, stock take, and editing the databases among others
Open Access is a movement through which research output is freely accessible online. There are no financial, legal, or technical barriers to accessing the publications. Such publications are downloadable, printable, and distributed free of charge and no subscription ensuring visibility of both the publication and the author
Open Science is an umbrella body with a set of principles or valves that aim at creating, sharing and disseminating research output. It aims at making research output accessible. It encompasses open access which handles publishing model, open data that aims at making the research data open and freely accessible to those who want to do further research, open source where software and codes are shared and used in collaboratively efforts to meet clients needs, and open research
Open Scholarship I am not familiar with it
- I expect to learn more about Open Scholarship and the differences that exist between Open Science
- Understand what APIs are, their use, and application to achieve openness in research
- How my institution can implement openness of research output visa versus publishing for remuneration
- Gain ToT skills for dissemination