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The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 is a comprehensive database that provides interactive narratives and data visualisations centred on the 17 SDGs. This dynamic platform not only highlights trends associated with specific targets within SDG, but it also explains fundamental ideas associated with the measurement of individual SDGs. The database provides users with in-depth insights about the global pursuit of sustainable development's successes and obstacles. Library users can explore interactive information and visualisations that provide a comprehensive knowledge of the 17 SDGs, making it a powerful tool for sustainable development research, education, and awareness. Visit ATLAS today.
Arxiv is an open access subject repository that covers over 1,944,402 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science and economics. It consists of scientific papers in these fields which can be accessed online and can be downloaded in many file formats. Visit Arxiv today.
Bioline International is a not-for-profit digital platform for peer reviewed, open access bio science journals published in developing countries. It reduces the global knowledge divide by making bioscience information generated in these countries available to the international research community worldwide. The journals contain timely research on public health, international development, tropical medicine, food and nutritional security, and biodiversity. To access any Bioline document of your interest, click on the "code number" or "get this paper" (highlighted in orange) on the abstract page. To search all journals on the system, start at the list of journals on the homepage, enter your subject in the search box and a list of related articles and journals will appear. Bioline International provides a list of active journals in each country and shows the available issues of the journal thus saving time.
Biomed Central is a database that covers over 300 peer-reviewed journals sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering, and medicine. It contains high-quality, peer-reviewed, open-access research within these fields. The journals within this database are arranged according to their specific subjects. All articles published in the journals are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication and they can be downloaded. Visit Biomed Central today.
Bookzz is an Open Access book collection available online. It is an online ebook distribution platform that offers digital books in the form of PDFs and other file formats for free. Millions of books, novels and articles are available for free. Locating your preferred e-book is simple. Then look for the title of the E-book from the search box. It’ll bring you thousands of outcomes over your hunt. Click on your choice, download your e-book or browse online. Bookzz hosts a Massive collection of categories and subcategories of books of all genres, categories, and authors. From academic books to novels, from fiction to nonfiction, from literature classics to performing guides in different fields.
This is a global health care knowledge provider with a collection of more than 70 medical and allied science titles. Research in health as a profession is supported and provided in open access. The journal collection includes some of the most influential titles, most cited and widely read in the field of health sciences. Visit British Medical Journals (BMJ) today. This is a trusted source for health professionals since reliable information is provided. Get access to knowledge and tools for more informed decisions in clinical practice for better outcomes. BMJ saves time since articles are easily found, read and cited.
CoreTrustSeal, launched in 2017, defines requirements and offers core level certification for Trustworthy Data Repositories holding data for long-term preservation. CoreTrustSeal is a certification based on requirements established by the World Data Systems (WDS) and the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) .It demonstrates to researchers that data repositories are taking appropriate measures to ensure sustainable and trustworthy data infrastructures. It gives assurance to researchers that their research results will be managed, curated, and archived in such a way to preserve the initial investment in collecting them. It enables researchers to be certain that data held in archives remains useful and meaningful into the future. To explore this, visit
The Directory of Open Access Books is a searchable database of over 44,000 peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access.It provides access to scholarly, open access, and peer-reviewed books. With this database, you can find trusted open access, book publishers. All services are free of charge and all data is freely available. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) today. Books are arranged according to subjects, publishers, and language. The database serves as an open infrastructure and aims at increasing the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) gives you access to read books and edited volumes by searching and browsing. This will help you to make the right choice and download content.
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
DataCite is a leading global non-profit organization that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other research outputs. Research outputs become discoverable and associated metadata is made available to the community. It promotes data sharing and citation through community-building efforts and outreach activities. The Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) that DataCite provides are a technical solution to the broken links that can occur when authors cite resources on the Web. Through this platform you can create digital object identifiers (DOIs), a type of persistent identifier for your datasets, software and other types of research outputs such as gray literature and conference proceedings. You can share your data and reuse the data of others to create the highest impact in the research community. Visit
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an independent database launched in 2003. It contains over 16, 500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAJ) and access free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. You can search for journals and articles since they are arranged according to subjects. Abstracts for journal articles are provided and therefore it saves time getting the right content. You can either read online or download the content.
Launched in 2011, FAIRsharing is an informative and educational resource that describes and interlinks community-driven standards, databases, repositories and data policies. It accelerates the discovery, selection and use of these resources. As a web-based searchable portal, it is targeted to researchers and other stakeholders involved in producing, managing, serving, curating, preserving, publishing or regulating data, FAIRsharing supports and enables the implementation of the FAIR principles. Researchers can use FAIRsharing as a lookup resource to identify, use and cite the standards, databases that exist for their data and discipline. Visit
Free Medical Journals provide free access to over 5088 medical Journals. The site was created basically to promote the availability of full-text medical journals over the internet for free. The journals are open access for the benefit of the entire scientific community. It contains scientific articles that are vital in improving medical care since they focus on topics that are of great importance to its readership. Visit Free Medical Journals today. Get access to high-quality articles published within the journals since they undergo peer review.
HighWire Press is an internet hosting service that produces online versions of peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Resources include a vast database of full-text scholarly and high-impact materials. Over 2 million articles are made available for free. The publications hosted by highwire are arranged in alphabetical order. Visit access Highwire press today. The HighWire platform supports thousands of books, reference works, and supporting materials. It also delivers an intelligent digital platform for research and academic markets.
Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) is an e-learning initiative destined to improve the information management capacities of development professionals. It allows learners to follow up on what they have learned and to share their experiences with others. It is being created as a series of modules on the internet, offered free of charge, which introduce the latest concepts, approaches and tools for information management. It consists of a suite of distance learning resources and tools for information management. Visit IMARK.
Internet Archive is a digital library which provides free access to collections of digitized materials including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos and millions of books. Like a physical library, the Internet Archive provides free access to these resources to researchers, historians, scholars and the general public. Visit Internet Archive.
The KIT library ensures the supply of information to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe (DHBW-KA). The KIT Library provides services for the handling of research data. The library's portfolio includes research data of all types and disciplines. The focus is on research data that has been created in the context of a scientific publication. The service supports researchers in their search of repositories for storing and reusing research data. Visit
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It publishes virtually all MIT course content from its undergraduate and graduate-level online, freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere. The digital collection is openly licensed and presented in an easily accessible format for free. Visit MIT OpenCourseWare. With the internet, you can find courses by topic, department, course number, and so on. Get access to audio/video courses, new courses, online textbooks, most visited courses, translated courses, and other additional resources. With these courses, educators can improve their curricula and make their schools more effective. The course materials can be downloaded for use offline.
Merlot (Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) is an online repository and International Consortium of Institutions. It is a free and open online community of resources designed for faculty, staff, and students of higher education from around the world to share their online materials. The collection is peer-reviewed, organized, searchable and made available online and is meant for higher education. It contains thousands of discipline-specific learning materials, learning exercises, content builder webpages, associated comments and bookmark collections intended to enhance learning. Visit Merlot.
Open Educational Resources (OPR) are teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. They include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any tools, materials used to support access to knowledge. These resources are carefully described and fully indexed, thus you can find exactly what you want. With OER, educators have the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students. The resources are up-to-date and of a high-quality standard. Visit Open Educational Resources (OPR). You have options for searching, browsing, downloading, evaluating, sharing as well as re-posting work.
OpenAIRE is a research information platform that helps researchers, project managers and repository managers to integrate knowledge, people, and services to provide the best scientific information. The OpenAIRE platform offers many resources on Open Science practice. The platform makes research accessible, findable, coherent, and re-usable. It enables easy project reporting by linking a particular dissemination, publication, presentation, or communication to research funding. The platform provides the tools necessary to monitor the trends of Open Access to research data and publications and provides access to numerous Open Access publications and datasets. Visit to access OpenAIRE.
OpenDoer is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. It contains digital collections that preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of an institution. Repositories provide open access to academic outputs and resources. OpenDoar offers a trusted service since each repository record is carefully reviewed and processed. Visit OpenDoar. Repositories are a key facilitator for discovering pre-print research outputs. OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. You can browse through the list of repositories using different search options for example according to the location (country) as well as searching for repositories’ content. The underlying database has been designed to include in-depth information on each repository that can be used for search, analysis, or underpinning services. It also provides a list of upgrades and additions. Find original research papers from different institutions regarding different subjects and fields.
Project Gutenberg is an online library of free e-books. These are new works, derived from existing printed works though they are not exact representations of their printed sources but rather transformed into modern digital formats to yield an enjoyable reading experience. It serves as a volunteer to digitize, archive and distribute literary works. It contains the world's great literature for your own enjoyment. The collection includes e-books on many topics with emphasis on literary works. Visit Project Gutenberg. Choose among free e publications and kindle ebooks, download them or read them online.
The Public Library of Science publishes open access journals across all areas of science and medicine. It empowers researchers to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. It publishes research from over 200 science disciplines. It contains over 17,821 articles in microbiology. The articles are peer-reviewed and immediately available without restrictions, promoting the widest readership and impact possible. Visit Public Library of Science.
R Discover is a free app for students, faculty and researchers containing over 80 million scholarly articles, 9 million topics and over 32,000 journals. R Discovery is an effective literature search tool that provides free access to relevant scholarly articles, scientific journals, open access papers and peer reviewed articles. The tool saves time by suggesting top research papers that match your research interest daily as well as notifications and email alerts on new developments in related research fields. R Discovery allows you to browse through abstracts and pick articles you want to read in your areas of interest. Visit R Discovery.
The Registry of Research Data Repositories is a technical open science platform that offers researchers, funding organizations, libraries and publishers an overview of existing international repositories for research data. As a global registry of research data repositories, Re3data covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It includes repositories that enable permanent storage of and access to data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions. It promotes a culture of sharing, increased access and better visibility of research data. It also provides information on repositories for the permanent storage and access of data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers and scholarly institutions. Re3data provides customizable and extendable core repository descriptions that are persistently identifiable and can be referred to and cited in an appropriate manner. Visit to access Re3data.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) disseminates social science research. It is a repository for preprints devoted to the rapid dissemination of scholarly research in the social sciences and humanities and beyond. The papers are downloadable as full-text documents in Adobe Acrobat PDF format since their access is open. The elibrary provides over 950,733 research papers in more than 60 disciplines. Visit Social Science Research Network (SSRN). To access the full content, create an account to share, download research in your field and interact with a number of scholars worldwide.
Springer Open is a database that has fully open access journals and books covering all areas of science. The content published is freely accessible online upon publication. The articles undergo peer-review thus ensuring the high quality and reliability of the work. The books and journals in Springer Open are made permanently available online. It contains wide coverage of e-Journals that investigate a wide range of science-based subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences, and economics. This database gives you access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works, and proceedings. Visit Springer Open Journal.
Tufts OpenCourseWare is a web-based publication of educational material from a number of Tufts University courses with a strong representation of medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry and nutrition courses. It provides open sharing of free, searchable, high quality course content to educators, students and self-learners throughout the global community. It provides open sharing of free, searchable course content to educators, students and self-learners throughout the world. Visit Tufts OpenCourseware. is a global science gateway that provides searching of national and international scientific databases and portals. It offers federated searching across over 100 scientific and technical databases from over 70 countries. These databases act as if they were a unified whole from a user's perspective. You can search millions of pages of science and technology information not typically accessible through popular search engines as long as you have internet access. It also provides real-time searching and translation of globally-dispersed multilingual literature. Visit WorldwideScience.Org.
Business Source Premier is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.
The purpose of the Acoustical Society of America is to generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics. This database offers coverage of many areas of academic study of interest in acoustics including physics, engineering, architecture, noise, oceanography, biology, speech and hearing, psychology and music.
The American Chemical Society covers peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation.
This database offers access to numerous scientific journals and databases, convenes major research conferences and provides educational, science policy and career programs in chemistry. The collection is key in educating and communicating with public policy makers and the general public about the importance of chemistry in our lives. This includes identifying new solutions, improving public health, protecting the environment and contributing to the economy.
The American Institute of Physics is a federation that advances and operates as a centre of excellence supporting the physical sciences enterprise.
The collection provides the global physical sciences community with a comprehensive collection of highly cited peer reviewed scientific information. AIP Publishing’s portfolio includes titles such as Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics and The Journal of Chemical Physics, and the AIP Conference Proceedings series. AIP Publishing’s goals and core activities include: advancing the physical sciences as publisher of leading research journals and conference proceedings; and, advancing the AIP Member Societies by providing efficient publishing services and systems for essential society functions.
This database works in a way of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and outstanding research output.
The mission of APS is to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community.
The ASCE Library is the world’s largest full-text database of civil engineering research and practical publications. It offers unprecedented online access to more than 145,000 technical and professional papers—1.5 million pages of content. More than 7,000 papers are added annually. ASCE focuses on providing unprecedented access to 33 Peer-reviewed journals with more than 60,000 full-text papers and a 31-Year archive from 1983 to the present.
The database covers publications of various types in print and/or electronic forms: journals and practice periodicals, conference proceedings, standards, manuals and reports on engineering practice, committee technical reports, ASCE Press, Bridges wall calendar, engineer, owner, and construction-related contract documents, and special publications.
The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspectsof radiology, radiation oncology, medical physics and the underpinning sciences.
This database provides Access to British Journal of Radiology (BJR) and Dent maxillofacial Radiology (DMFR). Global Health is a bibliographical abstract and indexing database specialising in public health, human nutrition, parasitic, communicable and tropical diseases and medicinal plants. It provides access to abstracts of the world's research literature from 1973 to present with coverage of English and foreign language journals, books, research reports, patents and standards, dissertations, conference proceedings, annual reports, developing country information and other difficult to obtain literature.
This database contains comprehensive Full text of over 323 Cambridge University Press Online Journals.
Global in scope, coverage includes agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, plant sciences, mycology and parasitology, food science, human health and nutrition. The Cambridge University Press Abstracts offers extensive coverage of journal and no journal literature from around the world including annual reports, general reports, books, conference proceedings, field notes and more.
This database has a Full text of 17 online peer-reviewed journals in a broad range of scientific disciplines with back files dating back to 1996 in most cases.
Delivers comprehensive authoritative information that accelerates research and innovation, and features content from a broad range of disciplines. It offers a coverage of many areas of academic study including physiology, metabolism, nutrition, arctic science, biochemistry and cell behaviour, botany, animal sciences, chemistry engineering and others.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of online searchable databases containing high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions. In addition to Cochrane Reviews, The Cochrane Library provides other sources of reliable information, from other systematic reviews abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials all the current evidence in one single environment
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
A collection of databases that identify articles on general topics, business, health, education, and more. Users have access to three databases: eBooks (Formerly Net Library books), Business Sources Premier and Eric.
The Education Resource Information Center (ERIC), provides access to education literature and resources. The database contains more than 1.3 million records and provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
ERIC is a Web-based digital library of free education-related sources of interest to educators, researchers, and the general public, and consists primarily of electronic bibliographic records describing journal and non-journal literature. The collection is to be expanded to include full-texts of articles and other electronic resources such as audio and video materials.
Edinburgh University Press is one of the leading university presses in the UK. It publishes books and journals across a range of subject areas in the humanities and social sciences. publications carry the imprimatur of one of Britain's oldest and most distinguished centres of learning and enjoy the highest academic standards through the scholarly appraisal of our Press Committee.The database covers journals with a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
The journals within the coverage of this database are all peer-reviewed and fully searchable full text.
social science research that tackles key societal challenges aligned with the UN SDGs is covered within the scope of the database.
Launched in 2007 to celebrate 200 years of the Geological Society of London, the Lyell Collection is an online collection comprising the Society’s journal titles, Special Publications and key book series - plus journals published on behalf of other societies. Cutting edge science sits alongside important historical material, all captured and presented to the highest electronic standards and benefiting from the extensive functionality of HighWire Press’ platform.
The Lyell Collection is an electronic resource containing new and archival journal, Special Publication and book content, published by the Geological Society of London. It contains key peer-reviewed Earth science literature of the highest quality.
The database represents one of the largest integrated collections of online Earth Science literature available. Bringing together key journals, Special Publications and Society book series on a single site, the Lyell Collection is a unique resource for researcher and student alike.
HST provides access to world class lectures by leading authorities from around the globe, in one online resource - wherever, whenever and as often as is wanted. The collection is an ideal resource to embed within Biomedical & life sciences and business & Management.
Specially prepared, online, animated, audio-visual lectures by world leading authorities on library developments in a digital environment for researchers and university faculty members.
The IMF is viewed as one of the world’s most authoritative sources for economic information, analysis and harmonized statistics. IMF eLibrary provides comprehensive data and original analysis, with coverage of almost every economy in the world and a special focus on developing and emerging economies.
IOP Publishing’s portfolio includes more than 90 journals, around half of which are published jointly with or on behalf of partner societies and research organisations.
The database rreflects the growth of scientific research and application in core scientific fields, while recognising the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of scientific research. With a coverage of over 60 of the world's most prestigious journals in physics and related sciences.
JSTOR is a digital library for the intellectually curious and provides a platform for discovering and connecting research, images, and primary sources. As a not-for-profit, it partners with libraries, museums, and publishers to reduce costs, extend access, and preserve scholarship for the future. JSTOR was conceived in 1994 by William G. Bowen, then-president to help university and college libraries provide adequate space for an ever-increasing amount of published scholarship.
It is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources.
It is a growing digital library of more than 2,000 academic journals, 20,000 books, and 2 million primary source objects.JSTOR helps students, scholars, and other individuals discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content through a powerful research and teaching platform.
KU is an open-access website of scholarly content. Its online visibility stages an opportunity to different libraries and institutions worldwide to have access and support open access plus different publishers, it's the main course is to " focus on sustainable models to support you in moving from paywall to a world of OA." It provides content up to about 3000 in all knowledge aspects like nature, Art, Business, Economics, Computers, Designs, Education, Drama, Fiction among others that can be freely accessed and downloaded. This website is supported by a number of libraries Worldwide and over fifty (50) publishers. KU also guides you on the simplest means to pay and manage your access publication charges (APCs) through 'Oable' ( Operation A.B.L.E), It is an open access management tool that helps libraries manage their open access transactions, it helps to approve OA requests in collaboration with different publishers. To ensure knowledge is unlatched, the website provides a platform of support for whichever institution or individual is willing to pledge or pay the APC.
Liverpool University press Produces approximately 75 books a year and 25 journals, specialising in literature, modern languages, history and visual culture. The journal collection highlights the breadth and scope of journals that complement each other in history, literature, language, culture studies, religious studies and planning.
Founded in 1980. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is universally acknowledged for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in the most promising areas of biotechnology, biomedical research/life sciences, clinical medicine and surgery, and law.
Peer reviewed journals, books and trade publications in cutting edge fields such as biotechnology, biomedical research, medicine and surgery, public health research and policy, technology and engineering, law, environmental research and policy and other specialized disciplines.
The database covers 90 peer-reviewed journals, leading trade magazines, and specialized newsletters.
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals, online databases and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.
Nature Research (formerly known as Nature Publishing Group is a division of the international scientific publishing company Springer Nature that publishes academic journals, magazines, online databases, and services in science and medicine. It also publishes the Nature-titled research journals, Nature Reviews journals (since 2000), society-owned academic journals, and a range of open access journals, including Scientific Reports and Nature Communications. Nature Publishing Group's owner, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, bought a controlling stake in Frontiers.
Oxford covers journals from science, technical, professional, medical, humanities, arts and social science disciplines. The academic publishing programme serves scholars, teachers and researchers, publishing important and rigorous research and scholarship across subject areas stretching from History to Life Sciences to Economics. The publications are translated into over 40 languages and the Developing Countries Initiative ensures that scholars at institutions in less prosperous areas of the world are able to access content in an affordable way.
The Academic Division of OUP comprises of journals publishing, research and reference publishing, Higher Education, and academic dictionaries.
Palgrave Macmillan offers a combined portfolio of over 70 peer-reviewed e-journals.
Palgrave Macmillan is a global cross- market publisher specializing in quality trade non- fiction and cutting-edge academic books. It publishes general interest books as well as textbooks, journals, monographs, professional and reference works in pint and online. Over 5000 active articles are presented in subjects ranging from political science, economics and History to literature, linguistics and business.
Palgrave Macmillan is best known for publishing in the humanities, social sciences, and business. It publishes for a global audience, focusing on the needs of researchers, lecturers and students.
The Policy Press publishes four highly prestigious journals in the fields of public and social policy. Policy Press is a leading specialist social science publisher committed to journals that will have an impact on research, learning, policy and practice at an international level.
The publications provide the latest policy research in accessible formats, reaching those who formulate or implement policy at executive and grass-roots levels - as well as academics and students.
Spanning several disciplines, including sociology, social policy, childhood and family studies, social work, criminology, public health, and urban policy, Policy Press publishes a variety of products, including textbooks, academic journals, and monographs.
Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community around the world. For 25 years, Project MUSE has been the trusted and reliable source of complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading universities and scholarly societies. Currently, Project MUSE has over 700 journals from 125 publishers and offers nearly 70,000 books from more than 140 presses.
Project Muse’s mission is to promote the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide.
R Discover is a free app for students, faculty and researchers containing over 80 million scholarly articles, 9 million topics and over 32,000 journals. R Discovery is an effective literature search tool that provides free access to relevant scholarly articles, scientific journals, open access papers and peer reviewed articles. The tool saves time by suggesting top research papers that match your research interest daily as well as notifications and email alerts on new developments in related research fields. R Discovery allows you to browse through abstracts and pick articles you want to read in your areas of interest. Visit R Discovery.
The RCP is an independent publisher of two high-quality peer-reviewed clinical journals, Clinical Medicine and Future Healthcare Journal.
Clinical Medicine journal is read by leading physicians in hospitals across the world. It features articles covering original research, current issues, ethics, law, clinical governance and audit, and also reports on prestigious College lectures and conferences.
The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship of many of the world's most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering and medicine, and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
The database collection contains ten leading international journals from the Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science. Titles cover the whole of the biological and physical sciences, and include Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the world's first science journal.
The coverage of Royal Society for Chemistry focuses exclusively on the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics.
RSC is a premier source regarding all branches of chemistry, plus a range of key databases in analytical chemistry, catalysts and catalysed reactions, organic synthesis and natural products plus its online series of specialist periodical reports, and a range of key databases.
Sage contains Over 550 journals in the business, humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine (STM).
Driven by the belief that social and behavioural science has the power to improve society, sage focuses on publishing impactful research and enabling robust research methodology. It produces high quality educational resources that support instructors to prepare the citizens, policy makers, educators and researchers of the future. Sage publishes more than 1,000 journals and 900 new books globally each year, as well as library products and services that include archives, data, case studies and video.
SpringerLink is the world's most comprehensive online collection of scientific, technological and medical journals, books and reference works.
Springer’s coverage includes e-Journals that investigate a wide range of science-based subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences and economics.
This database provides researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.
This browsable and searchable database provides access to more than 1,300 titles in humanities, social sciences and applied sciences. Taylor and Francis covers a wide range of areas in different disciplines such as medicine and health, humanities and social sciences, science and technology as well as engineering.
A comprehensive database providing scholarly journals, many on behalf of some of the world's most prestigious societies, and several that were the first scholarly publications in their respective fields. The journals present original research in the social sciences, humanities, education, and biological and physical sciences.
In addition to publishing the results of research for communities of scholars, the Press presents innovative scholarship in ways that inform and engage general readers. The press develops reference works and educational texts that draw upon and support the emphases of scholarly programs and that extend the intellectual reach of the Press. Significant non-scholarly work by writers, artists, and intellectuals from within and beyond the academy; translations of important foreign-language texts, both historical and contemporary; and books that contribute to the public's understanding of Chicago and its region are published. In all of this, the Press is guided by the judgment of individual editors who work to build a broad but coherent publishing program engaged with authors and readers around the world.
Wiley Online Library is a leading international resource for scholarly content providing access to millions of articles across a wide range of journals. This package provides access to over 500 journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The database provides access to books, journals, and encyclopedias, in print and electronically, as well as online products and services, training materials, and educational materials for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students
The titles within the coverage of Wiley online library include the full spectrum of life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities.
UpToDate is a clinical decision support database that covers over 25 medical specialists and is authored by 7300 world renowned physicians. It contains the latest medical information and has been found to impact 300,000 medical decisions globally every day. Visit to access UpToDate online. To access full content, make sure to log on using the University`s internet access points at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Mbale Campus or Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. Once on the site, click REGISTER to create an account for subsequent logins. UpToDate also gives you an offline version on your phone or tablet through the MobileComplete. Simply download the UpToDate Mobile App from Google Play, Amazon and Apple App store. This will enable you choose and download content that you can access while away from the campus.
Visual Capitalist is a multisubject media site that makes a complex world easier to understand through the power of visual content. The site publishes enriched visual content covering the most pressing issues globally. Through the power of visual technology, the database provides analyses and reports on topics like markets, technology, money, healthcare, energy, mining, climate change and green technologies, and features some of the world's premier companies and personalities. You can use this information to enrich your research proposal and reports. For example, did you know that Uganda is among the top 10 coffee producing countries worldwide? The countries that use the highest percentage of Green energy; Where are the world's ongoing conflicts today; The biggest ponzi schemes in modern history; The history of the world's deadliest pandemics, is COVID-19 the worst; The countries with the most nuclear weapons; How much NATO countries spend on defense, how about Uganda.
![]() Research4Life provides you access to over 132,000 leading journals and e-books in the fields of health (Hinari), agriculture (AGORA), environment (OARE), applied sciences (ARDI) and legal information (GOALI). |

The purpose of the Acoustical Society of America is to generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics. This database offers coverage of many areas of academic study of interest in acoustics including physics, engineering, architecture, noise, oceanography, biology, speech and hearing, psychology and music.
This database works in a way of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and outstanding research output.
The mission of APS is to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community.
The ASCE Library is the world’s largest full-text database of civil engineering research and practical publications. It offers unprecedented online access to more than 145,000 technical and professional papers—1.5 million pages of content. More than 7,000 papers are added annually. ASCE focuses on providing unprecedented access to 33 Peer-reviewed journals with more than 60,000 full-text papers and a 31-Year archive from 1983 to the present.
The database covers publications of various types in print and/or electronic forms: journals and practice periodicals, conference proceedings, standards, manuals and reports on engineering practice, committee technical reports, ASCE Press, Bridges wall calendar, engineer, owner, and construction-related contract documents, and special publications.
Arxiv is an open access subject repository that covers over 1,944,402 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science and economics. It consists of scientific papers in these fields which can be accessed online and can be downloaded in many file formats. Visit Arxiv today.
Biomed Central is a database that covers over 300 peer-reviewed journals sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering, and medicine. It contains high-quality, peer-reviewed, open-access research within these fields. The journals within this database are arranged according to their specific subjects. All articles published in the journals are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication and they can be downloaded. Visit Biomed Central today.
This database has a Full text of 17 online peer-reviewed journals in a broad range of scientific disciplines with back files dating back to 1996 in most cases.
Delivers comprehensive authoritative information that accelerates research and innovation, and features content from a broad range of disciplines. It offers a coverage of many areas of academic study including physiology, metabolism, nutrition, arctic science, biochemistry and cell behaviour, botany, animal sciences, chemistry engineering and others.
The Directory of Open Access Books is a searchable database of over 44,000 peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access.It provides access to scholarly, open access, and peer-reviewed books. With this database, you can find trusted open access, book publishers. All services are free of charge and all data is freely available. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) today. Books are arranged according to subjects, publishers, and language. The database serves as an open infrastructure and aims at increasing the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) gives you access to read books and edited volumes by searching and browsing. This will help you to make the right choice and download content.
DataCite is a leading global non-profit organization that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other research outputs. Research outputs become discoverable and associated metadata is made available to the community. It promotes data sharing and citation through community-building efforts and outreach activities. The Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) that DataCite provides are a technical solution to the broken links that can occur when authors cite resources on the Web. Through this platform you can create digital object identifiers (DOIs), a type of persistent identifier for your datasets, software and other types of research outputs such as gray literature and conference proceedings. You can share your data and reuse the data of others to create the highest impact in the research community. Visit
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an independent database launched in 2003. It contains over 16, 500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAJ) and access free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. You can search for journals and articles since they are arranged according to subjects. Abstracts for journal articles are provided and therefore it saves time getting the right content. You can either read online or download the content.
HighWire Press is an internet hosting service that produces online versions of peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Resources include a vast database of full-text scholarly and high-impact materials. Over 2 million articles are made available for free. The publications hosted by highwire are arranged in alphabetical order. Visit access Highwire press today. The HighWire platform supports thousands of books, reference works, and supporting materials. It also delivers an intelligent digital platform for research and academic markets.
Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) is an e-learning initiative destined to improve the information management capacities of development professionals. It allows learners to follow up on what they have learned and to share their experiences with others. It is being created as a series of modules on the internet, offered free of charge, which introduce the latest concepts, approaches and tools for information management. It consists of a suite of distance learning resources and tools for information management. Visit IMARK.
Internet Archive is a digital library which provides free access to collections of digitized materials including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos and millions of books. Like a physical library, the Internet Archive provides free access to these resources to researchers, historians, scholars and the general public. Visit Internet Archive.
JSTOR is a digital library for the intellectually curious and provides a platform for discovering and connecting research, images, and primary sources. As a not-for-profit, it partners with libraries, museums, and publishers to reduce costs, extend access, and preserve scholarship for the future. JSTOR was conceived in 1994 by William G. Bowen, then-president to help university and college libraries provide adequate space for an ever-increasing amount of published scholarship.
It is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources.
It is a growing digital library of more than 2,000 academic journals, 20,000 books, and 2 million primary source objects.JSTOR helps students, scholars, and other individuals discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content through a powerful research and teaching platform.
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It publishes virtually all MIT course content from its undergraduate and graduate-level online, freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere. The digital collection is openly licensed and presented in an easily accessible format for free. Visit MIT OpenCourseWare. With the internet, you can find courses by topic, department, course number, and so on. Get access to audio/video courses, new courses, online textbooks, most visited courses, translated courses, and other additional resources. With these courses, educators can improve their curricula and make their schools more effective. The course materials can be downloaded for use offline.
Open Educational Resources (OPR) are teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. They include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any tools, materials used to support access to knowledge. These resources are carefully described and fully indexed, thus you can find exactly what you want. With OER, educators have the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students. The resources are up-to-date and of a high-quality standard. Visit Open Educational Resources (OPR). You have options for searching, browsing, downloading, evaluating, sharing as well as re-posting work.
OpenDoer is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. It contains digital collections that preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of an institution. Repositories provide open access to academic outputs and resources. OpenDoar offers a trusted service since each repository record is carefully reviewed and processed. Visit OpenDoar. Repositories are a key facilitator for discovering pre-print research outputs. OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. You can browse through the list of repositories using different search options for example according to the location (country) as well as searching for repositories’ content. The underlying database has been designed to include in-depth information on each repository that can be used for search, analysis, or underpinning services. It also provides a list of upgrades and additions. Find original research papers from different institutions regarding different subjects and fields.
Project Gutenberg is an online library of free e-books. These are new works, derived from existing printed works though they are not exact representations of their printed sources but rather transformed into modern digital formats to yield an enjoyable reading experience. It serves as a volunteer to digitize, archive and distribute literary works. It contains the world's great literature for your own enjoyment. The collection includes e-books on many topics with emphasis on literary works. Visit Project Gutenberg. Choose among free e publications and kindle ebooks, download them or read them online.
The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship of many of the world's most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering and medicine, and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
The database collection contains ten leading international journals from the Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science. Titles cover the whole of the biological and physical sciences, and include Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the world's first science journal.
The coverage of Royal Society for Chemistry focuses exclusively on the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics.
RSC is a premier source regarding all branches of chemistry, plus a range of key databases in analytical chemistry, catalysts and catalysed reactions, organic synthesis and natural products plus its online series of specialist periodical reports, and a range of key databases.
Springer Open is a database that has fully open access journals and books covering all areas of science. The content published is freely accessible online upon publication. The articles undergo peer-review thus ensuring the high quality and reliability of the work. The books and journals in Springer Open are made permanently available online. It contains wide coverage of e-Journals that investigate a wide range of science-based subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences, and economics. This database gives you access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works, and proceedings. Visit Springer Open Journal.
This browsable and searchable database provides access to more than 1,300 titles in humanities, social sciences and applied sciences. Taylor and Francis covers a wide range of areas in different disciplines such as medicine and health, humanities and social sciences, science and technology as well as engineering.
Visual Capitalist is a multisubject media site that makes a complex world easier to understand through the power of visual content. The site publishes enriched visual content covering the most pressing issues globally. Through the power of visual technology, the database provides analyses and reports on topics like markets, technology, money, healthcare, energy, mining, climate change and green technologies, and features some of the world's premier companies and personalities. You can use this information to enrich your research proposal and reports. For example, did you know that Uganda is among the top 10 coffee producing countries worldwide? The countries that use the highest percentage of Green energy; Where are the world's ongoing conflicts today; The biggest ponzi schemes in modern history; The history of the world's deadliest pandemics, is COVID-19 the worst; The countries with the most nuclear weapons; How much NATO countries spend on defense, how about Uganda. is a global science gateway that provides searching of national and international scientific databases and portals. It offers federated searching across over 100 scientific and technical databases from over 70 countries. These databases act as if they were a unified whole from a user's perspective. You can search millions of pages of science and technology information not typically accessible through popular search engines as long as you have internet access. It also provides real-time searching and translation of globally-dispersed multilingual literature. Visit WorldwideScience.Org.
Business Source Premier is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.
The purpose of the Acoustical Society of America is to generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics. This database offers coverage of many areas of academic study of interest in acoustics including physics, engineering, architecture, noise, oceanography, biology, speech and hearing, psychology and music.
The American Chemical Society covers peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation.
This database offers access to numerous scientific journals and databases, convenes major research conferences and provides educational, science policy and career programs in chemistry. The collection is key in educating and communicating with public policy makers and the general public about the importance of chemistry in our lives. This includes identifying new solutions, improving public health, protecting the environment and contributing to the economy.
This database works in a way of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and outstanding research output.
The mission of APS is to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community.
Arxiv is an open access subject repository that covers over 1,944,402 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science and economics. It consists of scientific papers in these fields which can be accessed online and can be downloaded in many file formats. Visit Arxiv today.
Bookzz is an Open Access book collection available online. It is an online ebook distribution platform that offers digital books in the form of PDFs and other file formats for free. Millions of books, novels and articles are available for free. Locating your preferred e-book is simple. Then look for the title of the E-book from the search box. It’ll bring you thousands of outcomes over your hunt. Click on your choice, download your e-book or browse online. Bookzz hosts a Massive collection of categories and subcategories of books of all genres, categories, and authors. From academic books to novels, from fiction to nonfiction, from literature classics to performing guides in different fields.
The Directory of Open Access Books is a searchable database of over 44,000 peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access.It provides access to scholarly, open access, and peer-reviewed books. With this database, you can find trusted open access, book publishers. All services are free of charge and all data is freely available. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) today. Books are arranged according to subjects, publishers, and language. The database serves as an open infrastructure and aims at increasing the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) gives you access to read books and edited volumes by searching and browsing. This will help you to make the right choice and download content.
A collection of databases that identify articles on general topics, business, health, education, and more. Users have access to three databases: eBooks (Formerly Net Library books), Business Sources Premier and Eric.
The journals within the coverage of this database are all peer-reviewed and fully searchable full text.
social science research that tackles key societal challenges aligned with the UN SDGs is covered within the scope of the database.
The Education Resource Information Center (ERIC), provides access to education literature and resources. The database contains more than 1.3 million records and provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
ERIC is a Web-based digital library of free education-related sources of interest to educators, researchers, and the general public, and consists primarily of electronic bibliographic records describing journal and non-journal literature. The collection is to be expanded to include full-texts of articles and other electronic resources such as audio and video materials.
HighWire Press is an internet hosting service that produces online versions of peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Resources include a vast database of full-text scholarly and high-impact materials. Over 2 million articles are made available for free. The publications hosted by highwire are arranged in alphabetical order. Visit access Highwire press today. The HighWire platform supports thousands of books, reference works, and supporting materials. It also delivers an intelligent digital platform for research and academic markets.
Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) is an e-learning initiative destined to improve the information management capacities of development professionals. It allows learners to follow up on what they have learned and to share their experiences with others. It is being created as a series of modules on the internet, offered free of charge, which introduce the latest concepts, approaches and tools for information management. It consists of a suite of distance learning resources and tools for information management. Visit IMARK.
The IMF is viewed as one of the world’s most authoritative sources for economic information, analysis and harmonized statistics. IMF eLibrary provides comprehensive data and original analysis, with coverage of almost every economy in the world and a special focus on developing and emerging economies.
Internet Archive is a digital library which provides free access to collections of digitized materials including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos and millions of books. Like a physical library, the Internet Archive provides free access to these resources to researchers, historians, scholars and the general public. Visit Internet Archive.
JSTOR is a digital library for the intellectually curious and provides a platform for discovering and connecting research, images, and primary sources. As a not-for-profit, it partners with libraries, museums, and publishers to reduce costs, extend access, and preserve scholarship for the future. JSTOR was conceived in 1994 by William G. Bowen, then-president to help university and college libraries provide adequate space for an ever-increasing amount of published scholarship.
It is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources.
It is a growing digital library of more than 2,000 academic journals, 20,000 books, and 2 million primary source objects.JSTOR helps students, scholars, and other individuals discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content through a powerful research and teaching platform.
Liverpool University press Produces approximately 75 books a year and 25 journals, specialising in literature, modern languages, history and visual culture. The journal collection highlights the breadth and scope of journals that complement each other in history, literature, language, culture studies, religious studies and planning.
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It publishes virtually all MIT course content from its undergraduate and graduate-level online, freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere. The digital collection is openly licensed and presented in an easily accessible format for free. Visit MIT OpenCourseWare. With the internet, you can find courses by topic, department, course number, and so on. Get access to audio/video courses, new courses, online textbooks, most visited courses, translated courses, and other additional resources. With these courses, educators can improve their curricula and make their schools more effective. The course materials can be downloaded for use offline.
Merlot (Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) is an online repository and International Consortium of Institutions. It is a free and open online community of resources designed for faculty, staff, and students of higher education from around the world to share their online materials. The collection is peer-reviewed, organized, searchable and made available online and is meant for higher education. It contains thousands of discipline-specific learning materials, learning exercises, content builder webpages, associated comments and bookmark collections intended to enhance learning. Visit Merlot.
Open Educational Resources (OPR) are teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. They include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any tools, materials used to support access to knowledge. These resources are carefully described and fully indexed, thus you can find exactly what you want. With OER, educators have the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students. The resources are up-to-date and of a high-quality standard. Visit Open Educational Resources (OPR). You have options for searching, browsing, downloading, evaluating, sharing as well as re-posting work.
Oxford covers journals from science, technical, professional, medical, humanities, arts and social science disciplines. The academic publishing programme serves scholars, teachers and researchers, publishing important and rigorous research and scholarship across subject areas stretching from History to Life Sciences to Economics. The publications are translated into over 40 languages and the Developing Countries Initiative ensures that scholars at institutions in less prosperous areas of the world are able to access content in an affordable way.
The Academic Division of OUP comprises of journals publishing, research and reference publishing, Higher Education, and academic dictionaries.
Palgrave Macmillan offers a combined portfolio of over 70 peer-reviewed e-journals.
Palgrave Macmillan is a global cross- market publisher specializing in quality trade non- fiction and cutting-edge academic books. It publishes general interest books as well as textbooks, journals, monographs, professional and reference works in pint and online. Over 5000 active articles are presented in subjects ranging from political science, economics and History to literature, linguistics and business.
Palgrave Macmillan is best known for publishing in the humanities, social sciences, and business. It publishes for a global audience, focusing on the needs of researchers, lecturers and students.
The Policy Press publishes four highly prestigious journals in the fields of public and social policy. Policy Press is a leading specialist social science publisher committed to journals that will have an impact on research, learning, policy and practice at an international level.
The publications provide the latest policy research in accessible formats, reaching those who formulate or implement policy at executive and grass-roots levels - as well as academics and students.
Spanning several disciplines, including sociology, social policy, childhood and family studies, social work, criminology, public health, and urban policy, Policy Press publishes a variety of products, including textbooks, academic journals, and monographs.
Project Gutenberg is an online library of free e-books. These are new works, derived from existing printed works though they are not exact representations of their printed sources but rather transformed into modern digital formats to yield an enjoyable reading experience. It serves as a volunteer to digitize, archive and distribute literary works. It contains the world's great literature for your own enjoyment. The collection includes e-books on many topics with emphasis on literary works. Visit Project Gutenberg. Choose among free e publications and kindle ebooks, download them or read them online.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) disseminates social science research. It is a repository for preprints devoted to the rapid dissemination of scholarly research in the social sciences and humanities and beyond. The papers are downloadable as full-text documents in Adobe Acrobat PDF format since their access is open. The elibrary provides over 950,733 research papers in more than 60 disciplines. Visit Social Science Research Network (SSRN). To access the full content, create an account to share, download research in your field and interact with a number of scholars worldwide.
Springer Open is a database that has fully open access journals and books covering all areas of science. The content published is freely accessible online upon publication. The articles undergo peer-review thus ensuring the high quality and reliability of the work. The books and journals in Springer Open are made permanently available online. It contains wide coverage of e-Journals that investigate a wide range of science-based subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences, and economics. This database gives you access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works, and proceedings. Visit Springer Open Journal.
A comprehensive database providing scholarly journals, many on behalf of some of the world's most prestigious societies, and several that were the first scholarly publications in their respective fields. The journals present original research in the social sciences, humanities, education, and biological and physical sciences.
In addition to publishing the results of research for communities of scholars, the Press presents innovative scholarship in ways that inform and engage general readers. The press develops reference works and educational texts that draw upon and support the emphases of scholarly programs and that extend the intellectual reach of the Press. Significant non-scholarly work by writers, artists, and intellectuals from within and beyond the academy; translations of important foreign-language texts, both historical and contemporary; and books that contribute to the public's understanding of Chicago and its region are published. In all of this, the Press is guided by the judgment of individual editors who work to build a broad but coherent publishing program engaged with authors and readers around the world.
Visual Capitalist is a multisubject media site that makes a complex world easier to understand through the power of visual content. The site publishes enriched visual content covering the most pressing issues globally. Through the power of visual technology, the database provides analyses and reports on topics like markets, technology, money, healthcare, energy, mining, climate change and green technologies, and features some of the world's premier companies and personalities. You can use this information to enrich your research proposal and reports. For example, did you know that Uganda is among the top 10 coffee producing countries worldwide? The countries that use the highest percentage of Green energy; Where are the world's ongoing conflicts today; The biggest ponzi schemes in modern history; The history of the world's deadliest pandemics, is COVID-19 the worst; The countries with the most nuclear weapons; How much NATO countries spend on defense, how about Uganda. is a global science gateway that provides searching of national and international scientific databases and portals. It offers federated searching across over 100 scientific and technical databases from over 70 countries. These databases act as if they were a unified whole from a user's perspective. You can search millions of pages of science and technology information not typically accessible through popular search engines as long as you have internet access. It also provides real-time searching and translation of globally-dispersed multilingual literature. Visit WorldwideScience.Org.
This database works in a way of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and outstanding research output.
The mission of APS is to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community.
This database has a Full text of 17 online peer-reviewed journals in a broad range of scientific disciplines with back files dating back to 1996 in most cases.
Delivers comprehensive authoritative information that accelerates research and innovation, and features content from a broad range of disciplines. It offers a coverage of many areas of academic study including physiology, metabolism, nutrition, arctic science, biochemistry and cell behaviour, botany, animal sciences, chemistry engineering and others.
The Directory of Open Access Books is a searchable database of over 44,000 peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access.It provides access to scholarly, open access, and peer-reviewed books. With this database, you can find trusted open access, book publishers. All services are free of charge and all data is freely available. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) today. Books are arranged according to subjects, publishers, and language. The database serves as an open infrastructure and aims at increasing the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) gives you access to read books and edited volumes by searching and browsing. This will help you to make the right choice and download content.
HighWire Press is an internet hosting service that produces online versions of peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Resources include a vast database of full-text scholarly and high-impact materials. Over 2 million articles are made available for free. The publications hosted by highwire are arranged in alphabetical order. Visit access Highwire press today. The HighWire platform supports thousands of books, reference works, and supporting materials. It also delivers an intelligent digital platform for research and academic markets.
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It publishes virtually all MIT course content from its undergraduate and graduate-level online, freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere. The digital collection is openly licensed and presented in an easily accessible format for free. Visit MIT OpenCourseWare. With the internet, you can find courses by topic, department, course number, and so on. Get access to audio/video courses, new courses, online textbooks, most visited courses, translated courses, and other additional resources. With these courses, educators can improve their curricula and make their schools more effective. The course materials can be downloaded for use offline.
Open Educational Resources (OPR) are teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. They include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any tools, materials used to support access to knowledge. These resources are carefully described and fully indexed, thus you can find exactly what you want. With OER, educators have the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students. The resources are up-to-date and of a high-quality standard. Visit Open Educational Resources (OPR). You have options for searching, browsing, downloading, evaluating, sharing as well as re-posting work.
OpenDoer is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. It contains digital collections that preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of an institution. Repositories provide open access to academic outputs and resources. OpenDoar offers a trusted service since each repository record is carefully reviewed and processed. Visit OpenDoar. Repositories are a key facilitator for discovering pre-print research outputs. OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. You can browse through the list of repositories using different search options for example according to the location (country) as well as searching for repositories’ content. The underlying database has been designed to include in-depth information on each repository that can be used for search, analysis, or underpinning services. It also provides a list of upgrades and additions. Find original research papers from different institutions regarding different subjects and fields.
The purpose of the Acoustical Society of America is to generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics. This database offers coverage of many areas of academic study of interest in acoustics including physics, engineering, architecture, noise, oceanography, biology, speech and hearing, psychology and music.
The American Institute of Physics is a federation that advances and operates as a centre of excellence supporting the physical sciences enterprise.
The collection provides the global physical sciences community with a comprehensive collection of highly cited peer reviewed scientific information. AIP Publishing’s portfolio includes titles such as Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics and The Journal of Chemical Physics, and the AIP Conference Proceedings series. AIP Publishing’s goals and core activities include: advancing the physical sciences as publisher of leading research journals and conference proceedings; and, advancing the AIP Member Societies by providing efficient publishing services and systems for essential society functions.
This database works in a way of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and outstanding research output.
The mission of APS is to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community.
This database contains comprehensive Full text of over 323 Cambridge University Press Online Journals.
Global in scope, coverage includes agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, plant sciences, mycology and parasitology, food science, human health and nutrition. The Cambridge University Press Abstracts offers extensive coverage of journal and no journal literature from around the world including annual reports, general reports, books, conference proceedings, field notes and more.
This database has a Full text of 17 online peer-reviewed journals in a broad range of scientific disciplines with back files dating back to 1996 in most cases.
Delivers comprehensive authoritative information that accelerates research and innovation, and features content from a broad range of disciplines. It offers a coverage of many areas of academic study including physiology, metabolism, nutrition, arctic science, biochemistry and cell behaviour, botany, animal sciences, chemistry engineering and others.
The Cypris platform organizes new innovation, competitors & opportunities that are pouring out into the market every day for its users. The database gives its users direct access to innovation data to support their research, investment due diligence and M&A strategy. New market data to arm research and development is added to the platform. Cypris is an actionable market intelligence for all. Since today’s market intelligence tools are expensive and out of reach for most organizations, Cypris democratizes data to make innovation attainable for all.
The Directory of Open Access Books is a searchable database of over 44,000 peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access.It provides access to scholarly, open access, and peer-reviewed books. With this database, you can find trusted open access, book publishers. All services are free of charge and all data is freely available. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) today. Books are arranged according to subjects, publishers, and language. The database serves as an open infrastructure and aims at increasing the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) gives you access to read books and edited volumes by searching and browsing. This will help you to make the right choice and download content.
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an independent database launched in 2003. It contains over 16, 500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAJ) and access free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. You can search for journals and articles since they are arranged according to subjects. Abstracts for journal articles are provided and therefore it saves time getting the right content. You can either read online or download the content.
Edinburgh University Press is one of the leading university presses in the UK. It publishes books and journals across a range of subject areas in the humanities and social sciences. publications carry the imprimatur of one of Britain's oldest and most distinguished centres of learning and enjoy the highest academic standards through the scholarly appraisal of our Press Committee.The database covers journals with a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
HighWire Press is an internet hosting service that produces online versions of peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Resources include a vast database of full-text scholarly and high-impact materials. Over 2 million articles are made available for free. The publications hosted by highwire are arranged in alphabetical order. Visit access Highwire press today. The HighWire platform supports thousands of books, reference works, and supporting materials. It also delivers an intelligent digital platform for research and academic markets.
HST provides access to world class lectures by leading authorities from around the globe, in one online resource - wherever, whenever and as often as is wanted. The collection is an ideal resource to embed within Biomedical & life sciences and business & Management.
Specially prepared, online, animated, audio-visual lectures by world leading authorities on library developments in a digital environment for researchers and university faculty members.
IOP Publishing’s portfolio includes more than 90 journals, around half of which are published jointly with or on behalf of partner societies and research organisations.
The database rreflects the growth of scientific research and application in core scientific fields, while recognising the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of scientific research. With a coverage of over 60 of the world's most prestigious journals in physics and related sciences.
JSTOR is a digital library for the intellectually curious and provides a platform for discovering and connecting research, images, and primary sources. As a not-for-profit, it partners with libraries, museums, and publishers to reduce costs, extend access, and preserve scholarship for the future. JSTOR was conceived in 1994 by William G. Bowen, then-president to help university and college libraries provide adequate space for an ever-increasing amount of published scholarship.
It is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources.
It is a growing digital library of more than 2,000 academic journals, 20,000 books, and 2 million primary source objects.JSTOR helps students, scholars, and other individuals discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content through a powerful research and teaching platform.
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It publishes virtually all MIT course content from its undergraduate and graduate-level online, freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere. The digital collection is openly licensed and presented in an easily accessible format for free. Visit MIT OpenCourseWare. With the internet, you can find courses by topic, department, course number, and so on. Get access to audio/video courses, new courses, online textbooks, most visited courses, translated courses, and other additional resources. With these courses, educators can improve their curricula and make their schools more effective. The course materials can be downloaded for use offline.
Open Educational Resources (OPR) are teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. They include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any tools, materials used to support access to knowledge. These resources are carefully described and fully indexed, thus you can find exactly what you want. With OER, educators have the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students. The resources are up-to-date and of a high-quality standard. Visit Open Educational Resources (OPR). You have options for searching, browsing, downloading, evaluating, sharing as well as re-posting work.
Palgrave Macmillan offers a combined portfolio of over 70 peer-reviewed e-journals.
Palgrave Macmillan is a global cross- market publisher specializing in quality trade non- fiction and cutting-edge academic books. It publishes general interest books as well as textbooks, journals, monographs, professional and reference works in pint and online. Over 5000 active articles are presented in subjects ranging from political science, economics and History to literature, linguistics and business.
Palgrave Macmillan is best known for publishing in the humanities, social sciences, and business. It publishes for a global audience, focusing on the needs of researchers, lecturers and students.
Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community around the world. For 25 years, Project MUSE has been the trusted and reliable source of complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading universities and scholarly societies. Currently, Project MUSE has over 700 journals from 125 publishers and offers nearly 70,000 books from more than 140 presses.
Project Muse’s mission is to promote the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide.
Sage contains Over 550 journals in the business, humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine (STM).
Driven by the belief that social and behavioural science has the power to improve society, sage focuses on publishing impactful research and enabling robust research methodology. It produces high quality educational resources that support instructors to prepare the citizens, policy makers, educators and researchers of the future. Sage publishes more than 1,000 journals and 900 new books globally each year, as well as library products and services that include archives, data, case studies and video.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) disseminates social science research. It is a repository for preprints devoted to the rapid dissemination of scholarly research in the social sciences and humanities and beyond. The papers are downloadable as full-text documents in Adobe Acrobat PDF format since their access is open. The elibrary provides over 950,733 research papers in more than 60 disciplines. Visit Social Science Research Network (SSRN). To access the full content, create an account to share, download research in your field and interact with a number of scholars worldwide.
This browsable and searchable database provides access to more than 1,300 titles in humanities, social sciences and applied sciences. Taylor and Francis covers a wide range of areas in different disciplines such as medicine and health, humanities and social sciences, science and technology as well as engineering.
Visual Capitalist is a multisubject media site that makes a complex world easier to understand through the power of visual content. The site publishes enriched visual content covering the most pressing issues globally. Through the power of visual technology, the database provides analyses and reports on topics like markets, technology, money, healthcare, energy, mining, climate change and green technologies, and features some of the world's premier companies and personalities. You can use this information to enrich your research proposal and reports. For example, did you know that Uganda is among the top 10 coffee producing countries worldwide? The countries that use the highest percentage of Green energy; Where are the world's ongoing conflicts today; The biggest ponzi schemes in modern history; The history of the world's deadliest pandemics, is COVID-19 the worst; The countries with the most nuclear weapons; How much NATO countries spend on defense, how about Uganda.
Wiley Online Library is a leading international resource for scholarly content providing access to millions of articles across a wide range of journals. This package provides access to over 500 journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The database provides access to books, journals, and encyclopedias, in print and electronically, as well as online products and services, training materials, and educational materials for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students
The titles within the coverage of Wiley online library include the full spectrum of life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities. is a global science gateway that provides searching of national and international scientific databases and portals. It offers federated searching across over 100 scientific and technical databases from over 70 countries. These databases act as if they were a unified whole from a user's perspective. You can search millions of pages of science and technology information not typically accessible through popular search engines as long as you have internet access. It also provides real-time searching and translation of globally-dispersed multilingual literature. Visit WorldwideScience.Org.
This database works in a way of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and outstanding research output.
The mission of APS is to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community.
The Directory of Open Access Books is a searchable database of over 44,000 peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access.It provides access to scholarly, open access, and peer-reviewed books. With this database, you can find trusted open access, book publishers. All services are free of charge and all data is freely available. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) today. Books are arranged according to subjects, publishers, and language. The database serves as an open infrastructure and aims at increasing the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) gives you access to read books and edited volumes by searching and browsing. This will help you to make the right choice and download content.
Launched in 2007 to celebrate 200 years of the Geological Society of London, the Lyell Collection is an online collection comprising the Society’s journal titles, Special Publications and key book series - plus journals published on behalf of other societies. Cutting edge science sits alongside important historical material, all captured and presented to the highest electronic standards and benefiting from the extensive functionality of HighWire Press’ platform.
The Lyell Collection is an electronic resource containing new and archival journal, Special Publication and book content, published by the Geological Society of London. It contains key peer-reviewed Earth science literature of the highest quality.
The database represents one of the largest integrated collections of online Earth Science literature available. Bringing together key journals, Special Publications and Society book series on a single site, the Lyell Collection is a unique resource for researcher and student alike.
HighWire Press is an internet hosting service that produces online versions of peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Resources include a vast database of full-text scholarly and high-impact materials. Over 2 million articles are made available for free. The publications hosted by highwire are arranged in alphabetical order. Visit access Highwire press today. The HighWire platform supports thousands of books, reference works, and supporting materials. It also delivers an intelligent digital platform for research and academic markets.
IOP Publishing’s portfolio includes more than 90 journals, around half of which are published jointly with or on behalf of partner societies and research organisations.
The database rreflects the growth of scientific research and application in core scientific fields, while recognising the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of scientific research. With a coverage of over 60 of the world's most prestigious journals in physics and related sciences.
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It publishes virtually all MIT course content from its undergraduate and graduate-level online, freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere. The digital collection is openly licensed and presented in an easily accessible format for free. Visit MIT OpenCourseWare. With the internet, you can find courses by topic, department, course number, and so on. Get access to audio/video courses, new courses, online textbooks, most visited courses, translated courses, and other additional resources. With these courses, educators can improve their curricula and make their schools more effective. The course materials can be downloaded for use offline.
Open Educational Resources (OPR) are teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. They include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any tools, materials used to support access to knowledge. These resources are carefully described and fully indexed, thus you can find exactly what you want. With OER, educators have the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students. The resources are up-to-date and of a high-quality standard. Visit Open Educational Resources (OPR). You have options for searching, browsing, downloading, evaluating, sharing as well as re-posting work.
The coverage of Royal Society for Chemistry focuses exclusively on the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics.
RSC is a premier source regarding all branches of chemistry, plus a range of key databases in analytical chemistry, catalysts and catalysed reactions, organic synthesis and natural products plus its online series of specialist periodical reports, and a range of key databases.
Visual Capitalist is a multisubject media site that makes a complex world easier to understand through the power of visual content. The site publishes enriched visual content covering the most pressing issues globally. Through the power of visual technology, the database provides analyses and reports on topics like markets, technology, money, healthcare, energy, mining, climate change and green technologies, and features some of the world's premier companies and personalities. You can use this information to enrich your research proposal and reports. For example, did you know that Uganda is among the top 10 coffee producing countries worldwide? The countries that use the highest percentage of Green energy; Where are the world's ongoing conflicts today; The biggest ponzi schemes in modern history; The history of the world's deadliest pandemics, is COVID-19 the worst; The countries with the most nuclear weapons; How much NATO countries spend on defense, how about Uganda.
The purpose of the Acoustical Society of America is to generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics. This database offers coverage of many areas of academic study of interest in acoustics including physics, engineering, architecture, noise, oceanography, biology, speech and hearing, psychology and music.
The American Chemical Society covers peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation.
This database offers access to numerous scientific journals and databases, convenes major research conferences and provides educational, science policy and career programs in chemistry. The collection is key in educating and communicating with public policy makers and the general public about the importance of chemistry in our lives. This includes identifying new solutions, improving public health, protecting the environment and contributing to the economy.
This database works in a way of advancing and diffusing the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and outstanding research output.
The mission of APS is to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community.
Bioline International is a not-for-profit digital platform for peer reviewed, open access bio science journals published in developing countries. It reduces the global knowledge divide by making bioscience information generated in these countries available to the international research community worldwide. The journals contain timely research on public health, international development, tropical medicine, food and nutritional security, and biodiversity. To access any Bioline document of your interest, click on the "code number" or "get this paper" (highlighted in orange) on the abstract page. To search all journals on the system, start at the list of journals on the homepage, enter your subject in the search box and a list of related articles and journals will appear. Bioline International provides a list of active journals in each country and shows the available issues of the journal thus saving time.
Biomed Central is a database that covers over 300 peer-reviewed journals sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering, and medicine. It contains high-quality, peer-reviewed, open-access research within these fields. The journals within this database are arranged according to their specific subjects. All articles published in the journals are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication and they can be downloaded. Visit Biomed Central today.
The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspectsof radiology, radiation oncology, medical physics and the underpinning sciences.
This database provides Access to British Journal of Radiology (BJR) and Dent maxillofacial Radiology (DMFR). Global Health is a bibliographical abstract and indexing database specialising in public health, human nutrition, parasitic, communicable and tropical diseases and medicinal plants. It provides access to abstracts of the world's research literature from 1973 to present with coverage of English and foreign language journals, books, research reports, patents and standards, dissertations, conference proceedings, annual reports, developing country information and other difficult to obtain literature.
This is a global health care knowledge provider with a collection of more than 70 medical and allied science titles. Research in health as a profession is supported and provided in open access. The journal collection includes some of the most influential titles, most cited and widely read in the field of health sciences. Visit British Medical Journals (BMJ) today. This is a trusted source for health professionals since reliable information is provided. Get access to knowledge and tools for more informed decisions in clinical practice for better outcomes. BMJ saves time since articles are easily found, read and cited.
This database contains comprehensive Full text of over 323 Cambridge University Press Online Journals.
Global in scope, coverage includes agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, plant sciences, mycology and parasitology, food science, human health and nutrition. The Cambridge University Press Abstracts offers extensive coverage of journal and no journal literature from around the world including annual reports, general reports, books, conference proceedings, field notes and more.
This database has a Full text of 17 online peer-reviewed journals in a broad range of scientific disciplines with back files dating back to 1996 in most cases.
Delivers comprehensive authoritative information that accelerates research and innovation, and features content from a broad range of disciplines. It offers a coverage of many areas of academic study including physiology, metabolism, nutrition, arctic science, biochemistry and cell behaviour, botany, animal sciences, chemistry engineering and others.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of online searchable databases containing high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions. In addition to Cochrane Reviews, The Cochrane Library provides other sources of reliable information, from other systematic reviews abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials all the current evidence in one single environment
The Directory of Open Access Books is a searchable database of over 44,000 peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access.It provides access to scholarly, open access, and peer-reviewed books. With this database, you can find trusted open access, book publishers. All services are free of charge and all data is freely available. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) today. Books are arranged according to subjects, publishers, and language. The database serves as an open infrastructure and aims at increasing the discoverability of open access books. The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) gives you access to read books and edited volumes by searching and browsing. This will help you to make the right choice and download content.
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an independent database launched in 2003. It contains over 16, 500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Visit Directory of Open Access Books (DOAJ) and access free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. You can search for journals and articles since they are arranged according to subjects. Abstracts for journal articles are provided and therefore it saves time getting the right content. You can either read online or download the content.
A collection of databases that identify articles on general topics, business, health, education, and more. Users have access to three databases: eBooks (Formerly Net Library books), Business Sources Premier and Eric.
Free Medical Journals provide free access to over 5088 medical Journals. The site was created basically to promote the availability of full-text medical journals over the internet for free. The journals are open access for the benefit of the entire scientific community. It contains scientific articles that are vital in improving medical care since they focus on topics that are of great importance to its readership. Visit Free Medical Journals today. Get access to high-quality articles published within the journals since they undergo peer review.
HighWire Press is an internet hosting service that produces online versions of peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Resources include a vast database of full-text scholarly and high-impact materials. Over 2 million articles are made available for free. The publications hosted by highwire are arranged in alphabetical order. Visit access Highwire press today. The HighWire platform supports thousands of books, reference works, and supporting materials. It also delivers an intelligent digital platform for research and academic markets.
HST provides access to world class lectures by leading authorities from around the globe, in one online resource - wherever, whenever and as often as is wanted. The collection is an ideal resource to embed within Biomedical & life sciences and business & Management.
Specially prepared, online, animated, audio-visual lectures by world leading authorities on library developments in a digital environment for researchers and university faculty members.
Founded in 1980. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is universally acknowledged for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in the most promising areas of biotechnology, biomedical research/life sciences, clinical medicine and surgery, and law.
Peer reviewed journals, books and trade publications in cutting edge fields such as biotechnology, biomedical research, medicine and surgery, public health research and policy, technology and engineering, law, environmental research and policy and other specialized disciplines.
The database covers 90 peer-reviewed journals, leading trade magazines, and specialized newsletters.
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It publishes virtually all MIT course content from its undergraduate and graduate-level online, freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere. The digital collection is openly licensed and presented in an easily accessible format for free. Visit MIT OpenCourseWare. With the internet, you can find courses by topic, department, course number, and so on. Get access to audio/video courses, new courses, online textbooks, most visited courses, translated courses, and other additional resources. With these courses, educators can improve their curricula and make their schools more effective. The course materials can be downloaded for use offline.
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals, online databases and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.
Nature Research (formerly known as Nature Publishing Group is a division of the international scientific publishing company Springer Nature that publishes academic journals, magazines, online databases, and services in science and medicine. It also publishes the Nature-titled research journals, Nature Reviews journals (since 2000), society-owned academic journals, and a range of open access journals, including Scientific Reports and Nature Communications. Nature Publishing Group's owner, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, bought a controlling stake in Frontiers.
Open Educational Resources (OPR) are teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. They include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any tools, materials used to support access to knowledge. These resources are carefully described and fully indexed, thus you can find exactly what you want. With OER, educators have the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students. The resources are up-to-date and of a high-quality standard. Visit Open Educational Resources (OPR). You have options for searching, browsing, downloading, evaluating, sharing as well as re-posting work.
The Policy Press publishes four highly prestigious journals in the fields of public and social policy. Policy Press is a leading specialist social science publisher committed to journals that will have an impact on research, learning, policy and practice at an international level.
The publications provide the latest policy research in accessible formats, reaching those who formulate or implement policy at executive and grass-roots levels - as well as academics and students.
Spanning several disciplines, including sociology, social policy, childhood and family studies, social work, criminology, public health, and urban policy, Policy Press publishes a variety of products, including textbooks, academic journals, and monographs.
The Public Library of Science publishes open access journals across all areas of science and medicine. It empowers researchers to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. It publishes research from over 200 science disciplines. It contains over 17,821 articles in microbiology. The articles are peer-reviewed and immediately available without restrictions, promoting the widest readership and impact possible. Visit Public Library of Science.
The RCP is an independent publisher of two high-quality peer-reviewed clinical journals, Clinical Medicine and Future Healthcare Journal.
Clinical Medicine journal is read by leading physicians in hospitals across the world. It features articles covering original research, current issues, ethics, law, clinical governance and audit, and also reports on prestigious College lectures and conferences.
The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship of many of the world's most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering and medicine, and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
The database collection contains ten leading international journals from the Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science. Titles cover the whole of the biological and physical sciences, and include Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the world's first science journal.
Sage contains Over 550 journals in the business, humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine (STM).
Driven by the belief that social and behavioural science has the power to improve society, sage focuses on publishing impactful research and enabling robust research methodology. It produces high quality educational resources that support instructors to prepare the citizens, policy makers, educators and researchers of the future. Sage publishes more than 1,000 journals and 900 new books globally each year, as well as library products and services that include archives, data, case studies and video.
SpringerLink is the world's most comprehensive online collection of scientific, technological and medical journals, books and reference works.
Springer’s coverage includes e-Journals that investigate a wide range of science-based subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences and economics.
This database provides researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.
Springer Open is a database that has fully open access journals and books covering all areas of science. The content published is freely accessible online upon publication. The articles undergo peer-review thus ensuring the high quality and reliability of the work. The books and journals in Springer Open are made permanently available online. It contains wide coverage of e-Journals that investigate a wide range of science-based subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences, and economics. This database gives you access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works, and proceedings. Visit Springer Open Journal.
This browsable and searchable database provides access to more than 1,300 titles in humanities, social sciences and applied sciences. Taylor and Francis covers a wide range of areas in different disciplines such as medicine and health, humanities and social sciences, science and technology as well as engineering.
Tufts OpenCourseWare is a web-based publication of educational material from a number of Tufts University courses with a strong representation of medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry and nutrition courses. It provides open sharing of free, searchable, high quality course content to educators, students and self-learners throughout the global community. It provides open sharing of free, searchable course content to educators, students and self-learners throughout the world. Visit Tufts OpenCourseware.
UpToDate is a clinical decision support database that covers over 25 medical specialists and is authored by 7300 world renowned physicians. It contains the latest medical information and has been found to impact 300,000 medical decisions globally every day. Visit to access UpToDate online. To access full content, make sure to log on using the University`s internet access points at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Mbale Campus or Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. Once on the site, click REGISTER to create an account for subsequent logins. UpToDate also gives you an offline version on your phone or tablet through the MobileComplete. Simply download the UpToDate Mobile App from Google Play, Amazon and Apple App store. This will enable you choose and download content that you can access while away from the campus.
Visual Capitalist is a multisubject media site that makes a complex world easier to understand through the power of visual content. The site publishes enriched visual content covering the most pressing issues globally. Through the power of visual technology, the database provides analyses and reports on topics like markets, technology, money, healthcare, energy, mining, climate change and green technologies, and features some of the world's premier companies and personalities. You can use this information to enrich your research proposal and reports. For example, did you know that Uganda is among the top 10 coffee producing countries worldwide? The countries that use the highest percentage of Green energy; Where are the world's ongoing conflicts today; The biggest ponzi schemes in modern history; The history of the world's deadliest pandemics, is COVID-19 the worst; The countries with the most nuclear weapons; How much NATO countries spend on defense, how about Uganda. is a global science gateway that provides searching of national and international scientific databases and portals. It offers federated searching across over 100 scientific and technical databases from over 70 countries. These databases act as if they were a unified whole from a user's perspective. You can search millions of pages of science and technology information not typically accessible through popular search engines as long as you have internet access. It also provides real-time searching and translation of globally-dispersed multilingual literature. Visit WorldwideScience.Org.
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
The Essential Science Indicators database reveals emerging science trends as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals and countries in your field of research. Essential Science Indicators delivers the in-depth coverage you need to effectively analyse and benchmark research performance, identify significant trends, rank top performers, and evaluate potential employees and collaborators.
The MPMD (Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database) contains data and information resources on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials, and it is available in a Web-based format. The database is continually updated and expanded. Researchers and Students are able to identify and assess the appropriateness of materials for engineering and other applications. The database is searchable by material group, material name, property group, property name and independent variable.
NTIS (The National Technical Information Service) database establishes and maintains a permanent repository of non-classified scientific, technical, and engineering information; cooperate and coordinate its operations with other Government scientific, technical, and engineering information programs; and implement new methods or media for the dissemination of scientific, technical, and engineering information, including producing and disseminating information products in electronic format and to enter into arrangements necessary for the conduct of its business. This ProQuest database replicates records from the NTIS website. Content includes research reports, computer products, software, video cassettes, audio cassettes and more. The complete electronic file dates back to 1964.
The Registry of Research Data Repositories is a technical open science platform that offers researchers, funding organizations, libraries and publishers an overview of existing international repositories for research data. As a global registry of research data repositories, Re3data covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It includes repositories that enable permanent storage of and access to data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions. It promotes a culture of sharing, increased access and better visibility of research data. It also provides information on repositories for the permanent storage and access of data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers and scholarly institutions. Re3data provides customizable and extendable core repository descriptions that are persistently identifiable and can be referred to and cited in an appropriate manner. Visit to access Re3data.
This is a comprehensive database for identifying material properties which covers data from material properties which covers data from materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, engineering and other related fields. This is the largest resource for physical and chemical data in materials science. It basically covers all areas of physical sciences and engineering. Subject areas covered include particles, Nuclei and atoms, molecules and radicals, magnetism, semi conductivity and others. It also contains materials of interest of physics, engineering, chemistry and many more other disciplines.
The Illinois Data Bank is a public access repository for publishing research data from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The published data on repository is open to anyone around the world. The Illinois Data Bank's mission is to centralize, preserve, and provide persistent and reliable access to the research data created by affiliates of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including faculty, academic staff, and graduate students. To access this data Bank.
Organic Reactions is a comprehensive online resource for synthetic organic chemists that contains authoritative, critical reviews of many important synthetic reactions. In addition to detailed discussions of the mechanism, scope, and limitations of reactions. Organic Reactions chapters are much more than a surfeit of primary references; the volumes of Organic Reactions are collections of chapters each devoted to a single reaction, or a definite phase of a reaction, of wide applicability. The subjects are presented from the preparative viewpoint, and particular attention is given to limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure, and the selection of experimental techniques.
This is a searchable database that contains data and information on thermophysical properties. It deals with thermophysical properties such as thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, specific heat, thermal diffusity and thermal radiation properties. It contains data on thermal conductivity, specific heat and viscosity for a range of liquids and gases. It also contains recommended values for thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, thermal diffusity and viscosity of a large number of solids and fluids as well as highly reliable experimental data.
Water and Agriculture Information Center (WAIC) was established to address water quality concerns. It provides access to information regarding water and Agriculture. It collects, organizes and communicates the scientific findings, educational methodologies and public policy issues related to water resources and agriculture. The content with in this database elaborates key issues regarding water such as water availability, water quality, irrigation, ecosystem services, conservation practices, climate change, agricultural environment management and others.
The Web of Science- all databases search is useful for searching across the whole range of databases. Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. It contains peer-reviewed, high-quality journals published worldwide in these fields. Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
Web of Science Core Collection is a comprehensive interdisciplinary, bibliographic database with core article references from journals, books, proceedings in the disciplines of science and technology, arts and humanities and social sciences. It is a premier resource for scientific and scholarly research. It enables searching of top-cited peer reviewed content published worldwide across all sciences.
This is a collection of open access research papers. It offers free access to millions of research papers all around the world for knowledge to be used for the public good. It harvests these papers from institutional and subject repositories and hybrid journals and covers all research disciplines.
Subjects: Health, Medicine, Anatomy and physiology, Biology, Pharmacology
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
Human anatomy and physiology database consists of articles, books and periodicals that describe the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, reproductive system, skeletal system, and the nervous system, among others. These enable students and researchers gain a strong understanding of the amazing ways that their body works. The human body is a complex system that carries out important functions enabling you to move, think, feel, and live.
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana . Data available from TAIR includes the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, publications, and information about the Arabidopsis research community. Gene product function data is updated every week from the latest published research literature and community data submissions.
The BioCyc collection of Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs) provides a reference on the genomes and metabolic pathways of thousands of sequenced organisms. BioCyc is an encyclopedic reference that contains curated data from 130,000 publications. BioCyc PGDBs are generated by software that predict the metabolic pathways of completely sequenced organisms, predict which genes code for missing enzymes in metabolic pathways, and predict operons. BioCyc also integrates information from other bioinformatics databases, such as protein feature and Gene Ontology information from UniProt. The BioCyc website provides a suite of software tools for database searching and visualization, for omics data analysis, and for comparative genomics and comparative pathway questions.
The Cochrane Library is collection of databases in medicine and other healthcare specialties provided by Cochrane and other organizations and these databases contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. This database is a key resource in evidence-based medicine. It also consists of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Cochrane Clinical Answers databases. They are designed to be actionable and to inform point-of-care decision-making.
CoreTrustSeal, launched in 2017, defines requirements and offers core level certification for Trustworthy Data Repositories holding data for long-term preservation. CoreTrustSeal is a certification based on requirements established by the World Data Systems (WDS) and the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) .It demonstrates to researchers that data repositories are taking appropriate measures to ensure sustainable and trustworthy data infrastructures. It gives assurance to researchers that their research results will be managed, curated, and archived in such a way to preserve the initial investment in collecting them. It enables researchers to be certain that data held in archives remains useful and meaningful into the future. To explore this, visit
Internal medicine database comprises of resources in the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of internal diseases. Internal medicine physicians are specialists who apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness. The specialty of internal medicine covers a wide range of conditions affecting the internal organs of the body - the heart, the lungs, the liver and gastro-intestinal tract, the kidneys and urinary tract, the brain, spinal column, nerves, muscles and joints.
MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, or MEDLARS Online) is a bibliographic database of life sciences and biomedical information. It includes bibliographic information for articles from academic journals covering medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care. MEDLINE also covers much of the literature in biology and biochemistry, as well as fields such as molecular evolutions.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information is a developed PubMed database which is an information retrieval system at National Library of Medicine. It houses a series of databases relevant to biotechnology and biomedicine and is an important resource for bioinformatics tools and services. Major databases include GenBank for DNA sequences and PubMed, a bibliographic database for biomedical literature. Other databases include the NCBI Epigenomics database. The database also provides analysis and retrieval resources for the data in GenBank and other biological data made available.
This is a comprehensive database of representative repetitive sequences from eukaryotic species/organisms. It contains over 3600 annotated sequences representing different families and subfamilies of repeats which are unreported anywhere else. It contains prototypic sequences representing repetitive DNA from eukaryotic species. It is the most commonly used database of repetitive DNA elements. It is used worldwide as the reference standard for annotating the presence of repetitive DNA in genomic data.
Statref is a full text resource that covers clinical topics. The platform allows access to medical and pharmaceutical information about diagnosis, treatment, drug interaction and use. It contains a broader spectrum of health care topics, spanning from preclinical science topics to clinical sciences, nursing, allied health and health care administration. As a healthcare library, you can cross-search evidence-based, authoritative references. It provides the latest healthcare information in a customizable and convenient format.
TelemedInsights is an authoritative resource that provides healthcare professionals access to interactive, self-paced learning modules, offer up-to-date, evidence-based guidance to support the provision of quality, culturally competent patient care through telehealth technology. The modules are designed for clinicians in any field. The database offers clinicians with training modules and regulations related to telehealth like Patient Care, Ethical Issues and Mobile Health Technologies. Healthcare providers can make authentic connections with patients and also understand the regulatory issues that affect their practice.
ToxNet is a group of databases covering chemicals and drugs, diseases and the environment, environmental health, occupational safety and health. It is a free web-based system of databases on toxicology, environmental health, hazardous chemicals, toxic releases, chemical nomenclatures and specialty areas such as occupational health and consumer products. This database covers chemicals and drugs, diseases and the environment, environmental health, occupational health, poisoning, risk assessment and regulations and toxicology.
UptoDate is a clinical decision support database that contains the latest medical information and has been found to impact medical decisions globally every day. It’s a subscription- based resource designed to provide physicians access to current clinical information regarding diagnosis and treatment. It addresses specific issues in the form of topic reviews. It is the most trusted evidence-based resource
This is a comprehensive package of 3D interactive modules. The database contains interactive anatomy and physiology learning and visualization content that includes 3D models, illustrations, thumbnails, pronunciations and detailed definitions for all structures, quizzes and even animations. The modules in the collection are human anatomy, muscle, physiology and pathology. It illustrates the basic movement of a variety of muscles throughout the human body as they interact with bones, nerves and ligaments.
The Web of Science- all databases search is useful for searching across the whole range of databases. Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. It contains peer-reviewed, high-quality journals published worldwide in these fields. Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
Web of Science Core Collection is a comprehensive interdisciplinary, bibliographic database with core article references from journals, books, proceedings in the disciplines of science and technology, arts and humanities and social sciences. It is a premier resource for scientific and scholarly research. It enables searching of top-cited peer reviewed content published worldwide across all sciences.
This is a collection of open access research papers. It offers free access to millions of research papers all around the world for knowledge to be used for the public good. It harvests these papers from institutional and subject repositories and hybrid journals and covers all research disciplines.
Subjects: Accounting, Auditing, Marketing, Finance, Business, Trade, Procurement, Information management, Economics
ACRL Metrics database provides online access to the ACRL and NCES Academic Library Survey data from 2000 to present. It provides one of the most comprehensive portraits of the impact that academic libraries have. Functionality includes searching, selection of peer institutions, and designation of criteria for comparison, and display and/or download of data for comprehensive customized reports.
CCH Accounting Research Manager is a database of accounting and auditing information. The database provides all current authoritative accounting standards, auditing standards, and Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. It also consists of key information for audit professionals and enables tax and accounting professionals and businesses of all sizes to drive productivity, navigate change and deliver better outcomes.
The Consumer Product Information Database (cpid) that currently links over 21,000 consumer brands to health effects has been designed to educate consumers about chemical ingredients of household products. It also allows the public to search for and review reports on consumer products, as well as the comments that manufacturers or private labelers provide in response to those reports.
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
The eMarketer database provides insights and trends related to digital marketing, media, commerce and consists of Market data, statistics, and analysis on the Internet, e-business, online marketing, media, and emerging technologies. eMarketer is useful for understanding the growth and impact of the Internet as well as for keeping up with new trends, such as social networking and mobile marketing.
This is a Private Company Financial database. It contains financial data on major privately-held companies. These include private financials and revenues, private firm valuations, funding, private equity deal history as well as private and family ownership data. It offers in-depth information on private companies and private market investors. It also has value-added content such as expert analysis on business models and growth strategies.
This is a collection of procurement research reports covering commercial and industrial products and services designed for the betterment of businesses. The database provides a comprehensive range of products and services that meet the specific needs of procurement departments and clients. The reports discuss price drivers and pricing trends, total cost of ownership, supply market characteristics, supply chain risks and market share concentration. It offers a suite of products and services that cater directly to solving problems such as cost avoidance targets, improving speed to market, training and upskilling employees as well as building relationships with stakeholders.
This is a comprehensive business library that supports the unique teaching and learning needs of business studies. Topics covered include business, accounting, taxation, banking, marketing, marketing research, entrepreneurship, economics and industrial research. It provides a mixture of practical and theoretical business content including company, industry, and country reports, scholarly journals and eBooks, videos, dissertations, newspapers and more.
Source OECD an online collection of books, papers, and statistics published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on a wide range of subjects. These include Agriculture, Education, Energy, Social issues and sustainable development. It provides social scientists with high quality internationally harmonized statistics on a wide variety of economic and social topics.
Statista is an online portal providing data on the global digital economy, industrial sectors, consumer markets, public opinion, media, demography and macro-economic trends. It provides quantitative data from different economic sectors with a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualization. It provides access to quantitate facts by market sector, encompassing agriculture, finance to name but a few. It provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications and government sources.
Thomson One delivers a broad and deep range of financial content, all within a workspace that’s geared to your needs and workflow. It includes global public company overviews, Reuters news, ownership, deals, private equity, key ratios, data on one million private global companies, company filings. It features market quotes, earnings estimates, financial fundamentals, press releases. Transaction data, corporate filings, ownership profiles and company research. It offers access to company financials, stock prices, revenues, ownership data, stock exchange notifications, annual reports, news and events. It’s an excellent resource for financial strengths and weaknesses of a company.
OpenAIRE is a research information platform that helps researchers, project managers and repository managers to integrate knowledge, people, and services to provide the best scientific information. The OpenAIRE platform offers many resources on Open Science practice. The platform makes research accessible, findable, coherent, and re-usable. It enables easy project reporting by linking a particular dissemination, publication, presentation, or communication to research funding. The platform provides the tools necessary to monitor the trends of Open Access to research data and publications and provides access to numerous Open Access publications and datasets. Visit to access OpenAIRE
This is a pseudo for United Nations International Trade Statistics database. Many countries /areas provide their annual and monthly international trade statistics data detailed by commodities / service categories. It offers free access to detailed global trade data. It’s a repository of official international trade statistics and relevant analytical tables.
This database provides access to different sets of data. It presents of statistics of overall industrial growth, detailed data on business structure and statistics on major indicators of industrial performance by county in the historical time series. It contains number of establishments, number of employees, wages, output, value added, gross fixed capital formation, number of female employees and index of industrial production by branch for many countries. The database offers statistical information to a wide range of users including national governments, international development partners, academic research institutions and the business community.
The Web of Science- all databases search is useful for searching across the whole range of databases. Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. It contains peer-reviewed, high-quality journals published worldwide in these fields. Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
Web of Science Core Collection is a comprehensive interdisciplinary, bibliographic database with core article references from journals, books, proceedings in the disciplines of science and technology, arts and humanities and social sciences. It is a premier resource for scientific and scholarly research. It enables searching of top-cited peer reviewed content published worldwide across all sciences.
This is a free library of current trade news and resources. It offers free access to primary source documents related to international trade law. The resource provides summary and analysis of all World Trade Organization reports and arbitrations and other legal texts and documents. It contains a global coverage of trade law issues and thus provides information to trade lawyers in private practice, government officials and employees of international organizations, trade policy experts, students as well as non-governmental organizations.
This is a collection of open access research papers. It offers free access to millions of research papers all around the world for knowledge to be used for the public good. It harvests these papers from institutional and subject repositories and hybrid journals and covers all research disciplines.
Subjects: Chemistry, Agriculture, Education, Physics
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
The Essential Science Indicators database reveals emerging science trends as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals and countries in your field of research. Essential Science Indicators delivers the in-depth coverage you need to effectively analyse and benchmark research performance, identify significant trends, rank top performers, and evaluate potential employees and collaborators.
Organic Reactions is a comprehensive online resource for synthetic organic chemists that contains authoritative, critical reviews of many important synthetic reactions. In addition to detailed discussions of the mechanism, scope, and limitations of reactions. Organic Reactions chapters are much more than a surfeit of primary references; the volumes of Organic Reactions are collections of chapters each devoted to a single reaction, or a definite phase of a reaction, of wide applicability. The subjects are presented from the preparative viewpoint, and particular attention is given to limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure, and the selection of experimental techniques.
Source OECD an online collection of books, papers, and statistics published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on a wide range of subjects. These include Agriculture, Education, Energy, Social issues and sustainable development. It provides social scientists with high quality internationally harmonized statistics on a wide variety of economic and social topics.
This is a comprehensive database for identifying material properties which covers data from material properties which covers data from materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, engineering and other related fields. This is the largest resource for physical and chemical data in materials science. It basically covers all areas of physical sciences and engineering. Subject areas covered include particles, Nuclei and atoms, molecules and radicals, magnetism, semi conductivity and others. It also contains materials of interest of physics, engineering, chemistry and many more other disciplines.
This is a searchable database that contains data and information on thermophysical properties. It deals with thermophysical properties such as thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, specific heat, thermal diffusity and thermal radiation properties. It contains data on thermal conductivity, specific heat and viscosity for a range of liquids and gases. It also contains recommended values for thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, thermal diffusity and viscosity of a large number of solids and fluids as well as highly reliable experimental data.
The Web of Science- all databases search is useful for searching across the whole range of databases. Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. It contains peer-reviewed, high-quality journals published worldwide in these fields. Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
Web of Science Core Collection is a comprehensive interdisciplinary, bibliographic database with core article references from journals, books, proceedings in the disciplines of science and technology, arts and humanities and social sciences. It is a premier resource for scientific and scholarly research. It enables searching of top-cited peer reviewed content published worldwide across all sciences.
This is a collection of open access research papers. It offers free access to millions of research papers all around the world for knowledge to be used for the public good. It harvests these papers from institutional and subject repositories and hybrid journals and covers all research disciplines.
Subjects: Agriculture, Pesticides
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
Launched in 2011, FAIRsharing is an informative and educational resource that describes and interlinks community-driven standards, databases, repositories and data policies. It accelerates the discovery, selection and use of these resources. As a web-based searchable portal, it is targeted to researchers and other stakeholders involved in producing, managing, serving, curating, preserving, publishing or regulating data, FAIRsharing supports and enables the implementation of the FAIR principles. Researchers can use FAIRsharing as a lookup resource to identify, use and cite the standards, databases that exist for their data and discipline. Visit
The ARS PPD is a compendium of chemical and physical properties of 334 widely used pesticides. Information included in the database focuses on 16 of the most important properties that affect pesticide transport and degradation characteristics. This database has been developed to provide water quality modelers and managers a list of the pesticide properties most important for predicting the potentials of pesticides to move into ground and surface waters under a range of weather and soil conditions. References are given for all data.
Source OECD an online collection of books, papers, and statistics published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on a wide range of subjects. These include Agriculture, Education, Energy, Social issues and sustainable development. It provides social scientists with high quality internationally harmonized statistics on a wide variety of economic and social topics.
Water and Agriculture Information Center (WAIC) was established to address water quality concerns. It provides access to information regarding water and Agriculture. It collects, organizes and communicates the scientific findings, educational methodologies and public policy issues related to water resources and agriculture. The content with in this database elaborates key issues regarding water such as water availability, water quality, irrigation, ecosystem services, conservation practices, climate change, agricultural environment management and others.
The Web of Science- all databases search is useful for searching across the whole range of databases. Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. It contains peer-reviewed, high-quality journals published worldwide in these fields. Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
Web of Science Core Collection is a comprehensive interdisciplinary, bibliographic database with core article references from journals, books, proceedings in the disciplines of science and technology, arts and humanities and social sciences. It is a premier resource for scientific and scholarly research. It enables searching of top-cited peer reviewed content published worldwide across all sciences.
Subjects: Environmental sciences, Water
This is a collection of open access research papers. It offers free access to millions of research papers all around the world for knowledge to be used for the public good. It harvests these papers from institutional and subject repositories and hybrid journals and covers all research disciplines.
Launched in 2004, Digital Commons Network is a multi-subject media site that provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of Universities and Colleges worldwide. It contains 4,155,964 works from 676 institutions all around the globe. You can explore works ranging from business, engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, education, arts and humanities, law and social and behavioral sciences. It contains peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings and other original scholarly work. The site makes the world's research easily accessible through the power of a multicolored discipline wheel. To access Digital Commons Network, Visit
The KIT library ensures the supply of information to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe (DHBW-KA). The KIT Library provides services for the handling of research data. The library's portfolio includes research data of all types and disciplines. The focus is on research data that has been created in the context of a scientific publication. The service supports researchers in their search of repositories for storing and reusing research data. Visit
DataCite is a leading global non-profit organization that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other research outputs. Research outputs become discoverable and associated metadata is made available to the community. It promotes data sharing and citation through community-building efforts and outreach activities. The Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) that DataCite provides are a technical solution to the broken links that can occur when authors cite resources on the Web. Through this platform you can create digital object identifiers (DOIs), a type of persistent identifier for your datasets, software and other types of research outputs such as gray literature and conference proceedings. You can share your data and reuse the data of others to create the highest impact in the research community. Visit
ToxNet is a group of databases covering chemicals and drugs, diseases and the environment, environmental health, occupational safety and health. It is a free web-based system of databases on toxicology, environmental health, hazardous chemicals, toxic releases, chemical nomenclatures and specialty areas such as occupational health and consumer products. This database covers chemicals and drugs, diseases and the environment, environmental health, occupational health, poisoning, risk assessment and regulations and toxicology.
Water and Agriculture Information Center (WAIC) was established to address water quality concerns. It provides access to information regarding water and Agriculture. It collects, organizes and communicates the scientific findings, educational methodologies and public policy issues related to water resources and agriculture. The content with in this database elaborates key issues regarding water such as water availability, water quality, irrigation, ecosystem services, conservation practices, climate change, agricultural environment management and others.
The Web of Science- all databases search is useful for searching across the whole range of databases. Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. It contains peer-reviewed, high-quality journals published worldwide in these fields. Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
Web of Science Core Collection is a comprehensive interdisciplinary, bibliographic database with core article references from journals, books, proceedings in the disciplines of science and technology, arts and humanities and social sciences. It is a premier resource for scientific and scholarly research. It enables searching of top-cited peer reviewed content published worldwide across all sciences.