full name
Bosco Apparatus Buruga
position in the institution
Librarian - Head eResources & Library ICT
picture / photo
work in the library

As the head of library eResources and Library ICT, I manage the library systems (Koha Integrated Library Management System, Dspace for Institutional Repository), train students, faculty, and researchers how to use the library systems. I am also a promoter of the implementation of the Muni University institutional repository policy. This policy encourages the university, students, and partners to publish their research in openly access journals so that information is freely available on the public on the internet. I am also a member
of the University eLearning Committee. As a member of that committee my role among others is to promote use of quality information resources for teaching, learning and research. These resources includes both Open Sources and subscribed resources. My other roles include, training library users on how to ethically use library resources by citing the sources correctly and demonstrating the use of plagiarism detection software.

knowledge of open access

Open Access refers to the provision of research publications in electronic journals, books, and other content on the Internet freely available to the public. Thus, users of the Internet are permitted to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles and distribute them lawfully without financial or technical barriers.

Open science incorporates all aspects of open access except that it also includes open data publishing (making research data freely available to other scholars for their studies free of charge).

Open scholarship refers to the use of open practices in academic settings for research, teaching, and learning (Open access journals, Open research data, and open educational resources). The examples include - making research process, data collected, codes and publications open; providing educational resources free of charge for anyone to use them for teaching and learning purposes.

expectations of the workshop
  1. Understand the concept DataCite Metadata Schema and the application of schema.
  2. Gain more Open Scholarship promotion strategies from other participants or facilitators.
  3. Network