Busitema University Vice Chancellor, Prof Paul Waako constituted and appointed a Committee of Five people to oversee and improve the University Website, create subdomains for Faculties, Programmes and researchers to improve visibility and ranking. The Committee members are:
- Associate Professor Samson Rwahwire – Member
- Dr. Saphina Biira – Member
- Dr. Gilbert Ocen – Member
- Dr. Charles Muweesi – Member
- Dr. Fredrick Kiwuwa Lugya – Chairperson
- The Webmaster - Mr. Byaruhanga Moses was appointed as the Secretariat to the Committee.
The Committee is required to meet at least once every month to handle matters pertaining to the management of the Website.
Purpose of the Committee
The purpose of the Website Management Committee shall be to provide advice on the development, maintenance, and content of the Busitema University Websites. The Website Committee shall provide recommendations to ensure its improvement, to facilitate the design update of the site, and maintain the quality of the site. This will involve the design, graphics, placement of content, and functionality of the Website.
Role and Responsibilities of the Committee
The Website Management Committee will perform the following duties: Develop, maintain, design, update, and redesign quality Websites for all Busitema University functional areas;
- Collect feedback, comments, and suggestions from the University Management and general staff, and other stakeholders about improving the website;
- Address these comments and suggestions and identify the most helpful and feasible suggestions for the website redesign, use and/or update;
- Devise approaches to using the website to promote the mandate and mission of Busitema University;
- Review website content for accuracy;
- Ensure the content on the Busitema University website is maintained and updated on a timely basis;
- Assist with website functionality testing for both desktop and mobile device platforms;
- Guide the staff appointed in the faculties and units in updating the contents of the website given the required content submissions from the various University Units;
- The Webmaster will provide leadership on website uploading and publishing and provide routine maintenance of the website;
- Monitor and maintain all Websites for best practices;
- Periodically re-evaluate third-party agreements with supporting companies and determine if it is still satisfactory.
Terms of Reference for the Committee
The Website Management Committee is a Committee of Busitema University Management and will be an Advisory Committee to the Busitema University Top Management. Access the ToRs of the Committee here
Website Implementation Team
The Website Implementation Staff shall be the technical wing of the Website Management Committee whose role shall be to provide technical support in the day-to-day activities related to the Website development.
Three Graduate Fellows – Mr. Moses Byaruhaga, Ms. Rosemary Nalwanga, and Mr. Ivan Bayega have started developing the main frame and structure of the university website using Drupal – a content management system (CMS). The three Graduate Fellows shall form the Website Implementation Team. It is anticipated that the frame and structure will be ready within 3 weeks and thereafter uploading content and testing the different parts of the site will begin. The main site, the faculty pages and personalized researcher portals will be ready by end of the second week of November 2022 – just before December webometric rankings are measured
The Website Implementation Team shall:
- Develop a user-friendly (both on the front and back end) design, layout and, structure, including strong visual language and a responsive design for the website by following an iterative development process with the involvement and support of the Website Management Committee,
- Investigate and propose options to set up and link to all the University’s educational Portals including but not limited to the learning management system, the library and all faculty, programme and research project Web portals,
- Integrate effective search and aggregate functions that interact with social media platforms, and linkages to the University’s existing and future integrated information management systems,
- Develop the university’s public e-mailing system and integrate it with all the different communication channels, both within and outside, for example, collaborators interested in receiving updates about Busitema University, especially on Twitter, blogs, Linkedin, Instagram, etc,
- Develop applications to easily manage the University Newsletter and integrate it with the public e-mail function as a way to manage the communication function of the University,
- Maintain the Website content, ensure the quality of the content, and administer the system and features of the website,
- Troubleshoot issues and offer assistance to website management focal persons at the faculties and departments to easily update Website content,
- Communicate with the Website Management Committee members regarding website content and management,
- Provide advice to the Website Management Committee on Web hosting needs and security setups and administration privileges and controls,
- Develop a clear and accessible ease-to-read user guide and troubleshooting manual for all the university Websites and the technologies used such as Content Management Systems (CMS),
- Train a minimum of one Campus Library staff to liaise Website content updates in the Faculty or any other staff to be identified by the Research project PIs on how to manage their respective Faculty/ Programme/ Research Project Website,
- Provide regular maintenance and updates of the University’s main Website and create awareness of all the University sites to all the stakeholders,
- Manage permissions and access to administrative functions of all the website,
- Ensure the site meets accessibility and other usability standards,
- Review the website for broken links, incorrect information, and further edits
Committee Minutes
First Committee Meeting
The Committee had its first meeting on Thursday 4th August, 2022, between 10:20 am and 11:40 am via Zoom. The meeting was attended by Dr. Fredrick Lugya Kiwuwa, Dr. Gilbert G. Ocen, Dr. Charles Muweesi and Mr. Byaruhanga Moses (Secretary). The purpose of the meeting was for the members to understand the scope of the work and develop strategies to undertake the task at hand. The meeting made the following recommendations to Top Management. Download the Minutes