As part of our tradition, the library department orients freshmen and women who join the university every year. As such the Faculty of Science and Education (FSE) Library staff oriented the freshers of the faculty on the 16th of August 2023.
Information Processing Assistant Ms. Nakanwagi Winfred, Library assistant Ms. Musuya Winnie and Mr. Omalla Wilberforce Obonyo together with the Campus Librarian Isaac Mukungu introduced the fresh men and women to library systems and services.
In his address to the freshmen and Women, the campus Librarian welcomed them to the university and encouraged them to utilize the library and librarians so as to meet their academic and research information needs. He stressed the role of the library in their life at campus and assured the freshers of continuous library support and training to aid their education and research endeavors during their study at Busitema University.
The freshers were introduced to library rules and regulations, library systems as well as the spectrum of information services, portals and platforms available for them. They were encouraged to embrace technology and utilize the library’s available electronic resources in books, journals, magazines, thesis and dissertations among other collections.
Ms. Nakanwagi emphasized the library website as the gateway to all library services. She encouraged the students to utilize the virtual reference platform available on the library website so as to get help from librarians without necessarily visiting the physical library space.
Mr. Omalla emphasized the importance of vigilance and security among the freshers. He asked them to enjoy their university days and support each other in their quest for success and achievement.
Ms. Musuya demonstrated to the freshers the use of the library catalogue as well as access procedures for some our electronic resources.
The orientation programme was interactive ended with a tour of the library facility in which freshers were introduced and oriented about the different provisions of the physical library space.