Research4Life provides you access to over 132,000 leading journals and e-books in the fields of health (Hinari), agriculture (AGORA), environment (OARE), applied sciences (ARDI) and legal information (GOALI).

HINARI (Access to Research for Health) was launched in 2002 by the World Health Organization in partnership with Yale University. It is one of the five databases under Research4Life. HINARI is the world’s largest collection of biomedical and health information comprising; 21,000 journals, 69,000 e-books and other 115 information resources. Subjects covered include; Medicine, Basic sciences, Biotechnology, Dentistry, infectious diseases, Nursing/allied health, nutrition, Obstetric & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Surgery and toxicology amongst others. Visit HINARI today. For login details, please ask the Librarian at your campus or login directly through MYLOFT.

AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) was launched in 2003 by the Food andAgriculture Organization (FAO) in partnership with Cornell University. AGORA provides aaccess to over 15,500 journals and 48,000 e-books in more than 115 countries. The subjects covered include; Agriculture, Life sciences, Fisheries, Food and Nutrition, Veterinary science and related biological, environmental and social sciences. Visit AGORA today. For login details, please ask the Librarian at your campus or login directly through MYLOFT.

OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment) was launched in 2006 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in partnership with Yale University. It is one of the five databases that make up Research4Life. OARE contains over 11,500 peer-reviewed journals, 27,000 e-books, 40 databases and is accessible in 118 countries. Subjects covered include; Environmental toxicology and pollution, Ecology, Geography, Environmental economics, Environmental law, Conservation policy, Environmental engineering and Energy. Visit OARE today. For login details, please ask the Librarian at your campus or login directly through MYLOFT.

ARDI (Access to Research for Development and Innovation) was launched in 2009 by the World Intellectual Property Organization. It is one of the five databases under Research4Life. ARDI provides access to around 20,000 journals, e-books and reference works from 17 renowned publishers and is accessible in 117 countries. The fields covered are mainly; science and technology. Visit ARDI to access the various information materials and learn more about the database. For login details, please ask the Librarian at your campus or login directly through MYLOFT.

GOALI (Research for Global Justice) was launched in 2018 by the International Labour Organization in partnership with Yale and Cornell Universities. It is one of five databases that make up Research4Life. GOALI contains academic and professional peer-reviewed journals, ebooks and databases that are accessible in 115 countries. The subject areas covered include: Law, politics, economics, philosophy, history and social sciences. Visit GOALI to access and learn more about GOALI. For login details, please ask the Librarian at your campus or login directly through MYLOFT.