Pain chronification and the distinction between acute and chronic pain by Prof. Ravi Prasad University of California, Davis, USA

The multimedia lecture of 30 minutes titled "Pain Chronification and the Distinction Between Acute and Chronic Pain" by Prof. Ravi Prasad from the University of California, Davis, USA, provides a comprehensive overview of pain and its chronicity. The Lecture delves into the multifaceted nature of pain, discussing various etiologic pathways and psychosocial risk factors associated with its chronification. The lecture addresses the impact of mood, early life experiences, and adverse childhood events (ACE) on pain, highlighting implications for both pediatric and adult populations. Additionally,  Prof. Ravi Prasad explores coping mechanisms, psychological factors, and the relationship between pain, depression, and anxiety. The lecture also covers pain treatment approaches, emphasizing interdisciplinary management and the importance of distinguishing between acute and chronic pain. Ultimately, Prof. Ravi Prasad concludes by discussing the primary function of pain and the potential for learning to live with it, while emphasizing the need for comprehensive management strategies.