In the enlightening 23-minute multimedia lecture titled "Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Ageing Nervous and Neuromuscular Systems" by Dr. Amy Vincent from Newcastle University, UK, various intricate facets of mitochondrial biology are explored. The lecture explains the intricacies of mitochondria, elucidating topics such as mitochondrial genetics, OXPHOS deficiency, and the clonal expansion of mtDNA variants and deletions. This Lecture distinctly compares the phenomenon of clonal expansion in neurons versus muscle fibers, highlighting the distinctive characteristics of these cell types. The lecture further touches upon the driving factors behind clonal expansion of mtDNA deletions in muscle, emphasizing key signaling proteins in skeletal muscle and shedding light on mtDNA maintenance disorders. A comprehensive overview of 3D mitochondrial morphology is provided across three segments, offering insights into how mitochondrial dysfunction spreads. Dr. Vincent's exploration extends to the distribution of mitochondrial dysfunction in neurons versus muscle fibers and the unique mitochondrial network observed in the aging mouse hippocampus, examining both dendrites and axons. This multimedia lecture, accessible through HS Talks under The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, provides a valuable resource for understanding the intricate dynamics of mitochondrial dysfunction in the aging nervous and neuromuscular systems.