By the nature of the establishment of Busitema University, Busitema University Library (BuLib) operates a decentralized library system that comprises six (6) Campus Libraries of Busitema University located in Eastern Uganda
The Engineering Library located at Busitema Campus, the Science and Education Library at Nagongera Campus, the Health Sciences Library at Mbale, the Agriculture and Animal Sciences Library at Arapai, the Management Sciences Library at Pallisa; and the Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Library at Namasagali which also houses the Maritime collection. The Engineering Library at Busitema is also the Main Library of the BuLib and therefore coordinates the core functions of the Library that include: Digitization, Collection Development and Management, Preservation and Conservation/ Bindery, Library ICTs; while the Campus Libraries coordinate all the user services that include: Reference services, Circulation, Collection Management, Information Literacy and Instruction, User Education, and Facilities Management.
The library envisions itself as a Distinctive Signifier of Excellence in the provision of library and information services in Africa and will achieve this by signifying excellence in the provision of World-Class library services to support the intellectual life of the University. Through demonstrating quality and value in the provision of services and programmes, Busitema University Library is confident of exceeding users’ expectations, and retain user’s loyalty. The University Library subscribes to the core values of Busitema University including; Respect, Professionalism, Customer First, Innovativeness, and Integrity.