Project Heading
Strengthening community libraries as the catalyst to Self-Learning in Uganda's rural and poor households: a case of the Busia District, Government of Uganda, Research and Innovation Fund, Ugx 25,000,000, July 2022 - June 2023

Building on the positives of libraries, we bring together a team of librarians, educators and engineers to explore the question of “Self-Learning” as a solution to the complex web of constraints and strain on learners in Uganda's rural and poor households.
The goal is to empower boys and girls to become not just self-learners but also coaches - Autodidacts. The research is divided into three phases. In the current phase (July 2022 to June 2023), the goal will be to unearth insights about the resilience of community libraries to absorb learning shocks and stress that the pandemic both revealed and magnified. The researchers will explore answers to the following questions:

i) How do we adapt individual learners to manage their own learning?,

ii) How do we foster collective information gathering and sharing?, and

iii) How do we assist learners to thrive through their education within their communities?

Implementation plan [Coming Soon]
Principle Investigator - Mr. Isaac Mukungu
Principle Co-Investigator - Dr. Fredrick Kiwuwa Lugya