Data Loss
On Sunday 5, March 2023, there was a serious power instability that ended up crushing one of the 8 Library Management System Discs. This in turn crushed the Library Server and Library Systems like the Library Website, Library Catalogue, Full Text Database, Circulation Module and Subject Guides and eventually, a lot of data was lost. Some of these systems had a backup while others didn’t have backups. Those systems that had backups like the Library Website were fully restored by migrating the backed-up data to one of the available redundant University Servers. Nagongera Campus Library as well as Maritime Institute Library were greatly affected. Also greatly affected was the Full Text Database which, unfortunately had no back up.
Recovery Plan
Efforts have been made, with support from the ICT Department, on recovering data from the crushed systems and data was recovered up to September 2022. However, due to the heavy workload involved in the data recovery, a work plan has been drawn to ensure that everything is done correctly to avoid unnecessary errors.
Outputs | Actions/Activities to achieve Outputs | Activity Details | Responsible Person | Time Frame |
Orientation Done | Orientation of Library Staff on carrying out Data Recovery | 1 General Briefing Session to All Campus Librarian by the UL. This should be a Zoom engagement . The briefing should cover the lay out of what is to be systematically covered in the Data recovery process. How to avoid making error and omissions | University Librarian and All Campus Librarians | Monday 14, Aug 2023 |
Working Tools Procured | Requisition and receipt of working tools | Procurement of Labels, pencils, etc. Label colors: Green for items found in the system; Red for items missing in the system. 1 Ream of paper per Campus; 1 packet of Art Pencils per Campus; 5 stitch glue bottles | Busitema Campus Librarian | By Monday 14 |
Guided Demonstration done | Graduate Fellow guided demonstration | 1 Physical day demosntration for Campus Librarians would have been better, but alternatively a Zoom session could be arranged | University Librarian, Campus Librarrians | Week of 20-26 August 2023 |
Validation done | Actual Validation | Identification of the missing items in the Catalogue, whether they are multiple copies and which editions. Checking should include: Title, Author, Edition, Year and Accession Number | Campus Librarians and their Staff | Bi-Weekly Reports |
Validation Report | Write a Validation Report on Items in the Catalogue | This report should cover what is available in the catalogue and what is missing | Campus Librarians | |
Training Lists and Report | Training and Refresher Session on Cataloging basics of KOHA New Version | 1 Physical Training of Campus Librarians would have been better, but alternatively a Zoom session could be arranged. Campus Librarians to Train their Staff | Graduate Fellow, Campus Librarrians | |
Data Entry Report | Data Entry of missing items | Reports covering the items that were recovered in KOHA | Campus Librarians | Monthly |
Benchmarking Report | To bechmark Kyambogo University on Barcode Printing | UL to write a letter to the UL, Kyambogo University about the benchmark visit | Mr. Eriya Ntaga and Mr. Joseph Wejuli | Aug-23 |