Library Clearance Instructions for Final Year Students

The second semester of the Academic year is now coming to an end. All final-year students who come for library clearance are hereby reminded to:

  1. Bring documentation that attests to the fact that they turned in their final, signed copy of their research reports or dissertation to the librarian at the institutional repository. The guidelines for submitting your research report or dissertation are available.
  2. Return all borrowed books to the library; if you have any questions, please bring your student ID so the librarian can verify that there are no overdue or unreturned books on your account. If you have any overdue or unreturned books, the librarian will advise you on what to do;
  3. Return the two (2) library borrower cards you were given at the time of your initial library registration, and return all book borrower cards. These cards are the Library's property and serve as proof that you are not carrying any checked books;

Furthermore take note of the following:

  1. Library clearance is completed at the relevant Campus libraries and during library hours. To make arrangements with the library, you do not have to go to the Busitema Campus.
  2. The reference desk staff at the library handles the library clearance. If you encounter difficulties, don't hesitate to consult the Campus librarian for advice.
  3. Best wishes for success in your career from Busitema University Library. Please visit the library's website if you need any assistance.